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Great article. Funerals have come a long way. I attended one this past week where they played Frank Sinatra "My Way" along with songs by the Gaithers. In the past, I have been to funerals which hardly mentioned the deceased or their life. As you mentioned, we can show gratitude to God by sharing stories of this person - what better way? Real concrete ways. I hope that when I have entered the heavenly realm, people can see the love of God, the work of God through memories they have of me. I may not have been perfect but Grace is all I needed. May I also add, that I do not like it when people preplan their funeral by saying "no funeral, no gathering etc." Funerals are for the living, for those left behind to grieve , not the deceased.  It is a family matter but that depends on your vision of family - my family includes those related by blood but also those related by the blood of Christ, those related by friendship, love and support. A favourite new quote by Ram Dass - "we are all just here to walking each other home".

Our church has a fb page but so far it has been a "closed group". We use it to update members on events, sickness, prayer requests, deaths and such information. Privacy for our congregation is the big reason for being a closed group. It also helps to build a community within our regular attenders. I will also attach links if they pertain to the current sermon series or current events.  We have a separate church website which is open for all. What is your thoughts on keeping the entire FB page a closed group? I sometimes feel guilty in ignoring "friend requests" from strangers who have no affiliation  to  our church. Usually these requests come from places like Nigeria, Rwanda or other far off places. Are we being elistist? Should this be an open group?

Posted in: Because

Just a short note - I have a rooster sitting on my kitchen window (stuffed kind) because he reminds me of Peter.  I can also relate to Peter so much. I know Jesus  loves me and uses me - because of Peter. Amen Mavis.

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