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I think too - that the gospel hope is that this upside-down Kingdom and it's impact on citizens can have a profound positive impact on how people love each other and how people live before God in ways that are deeper and more affective than passing laws or policy. 

This last summer we did a sermon series on the Psalms, and we insisted on singing the matching Psalm from the Blue Psalter. 

It was enlightening how many of our old timers said "we've been singing in this church for 60-80 years, and we've never sung that before". It was also joyful to be able to sing wonderful words to tunes that were new for many of us.


Samuel Sutter

In simple terms, our church tries really hard to help folks with what they need. We work hard at helping with kids  programming, and have seen lots of new families respond to our showing God's love to kids. 

We're also (this month) working at starting up a health care clinic, with a few partners we're trying to provide free medical and spiritual care to folks (mostly a local immigrant community) who need it the most. 


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