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Posted in: Website Policy

Posted in: Website Policy

Thanks for the question and good responses. As this is a public thread, please follow the advice above and let's avoid further discussion of the details of what I'm sure is a sensitive and difficult matter.   

Hi Leon! When you talk about models, are you referring to creating a small group structure for the whole church (i.e. deciding what kind of groups to start, creating meeting schedules, choosing materials) or a model for a specific group (i.e. the format for a small group Bible study)? 

Hi Cindy! A book that I've been meaning to check out (I keep hearing great things about it) is Max Lucado's You'll Get Through This. Those who have read this book say it is a great reminder that though life is full of transitions, challenges, and painful struggles, God is WITH us and is working in all things. The book is full of scripture and hope for when life gets overwhelming. It's not necessarily a Bible study book but a great resource nonetheless. 


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