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In my small group, we usually begin with snacks (yum!) and small talk. Before jumping into the Bible study (which is currently follow-up questions based on the sermon), we take a moment to first check who was able to be at church/listen to the sermon. For those who missed the message, we give a quick overview and usually read the Bible verses that the sermon was based on.  

Love this broad question! From the side of someone in the pew, there is a sermon series my pastor did this summer/early fall on the fruit of the Spirit where each week was an in depth look at a different fruit (love, joy, peace, forbearance, etc.). This series has really stuck with me because each week was incredibly focused and applicable.

Hi Ken: 

Christianity Today has a section on their site called Her.meneutics that might be worth checking out. Though it's aimed more at evangelical women, it still looks like a great resource for finding articles and tools. A line in the "Who We Are" section reads: "With robust theological viewpoints and a commitment to the local church, Her.meneutics strives to equip women (and not merely a few men) to engage the world of ideas, cultural trends, and global news through the lens of Christian faith." 

Could be worth checking out!

Hi Ken, thanks for this. I checked with Sheri and these Bylaws are not available in Word format but she is checking with some other churches to see if they have Bylaws that we could turn into a sample that would be available in Word. Stay tuned!  

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