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The Art of Neighboring: Building Genuine Relationships Right Outside Your Door by Jay Pathak. I heard about this one from an incredibly hospitable friend who will be leading a Bible study on this book. 

Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy by Sheryl Sandberg. I enjoyed Sheryl Sandberg's first book and am interested in hearing more about her response to the unexpected and tragic loss of her husband. 

Wonder by R.J. Palacio. I did this out of order (saw the movie before reading the book) but want to read the book to learn more about Auggie's story and the simple and powerful impact he had on those around him. 

So many good thoughts here, Mavis. Thank you for sharing a bit of your story and what's on your heart. 

I personally have not felt the "stigma" attached to being a Christian until recent years. Probably a result of living in a West Michigan Christian bubble. But recently I have noticed a shift and a need to be vocal and proactive about what being a Christ follower really looks like to me. And it's not perfect. But like you said, it's having a soft heart that is quick to apologize, eager to welcome others, and always learning. 

Thank you for also mentioning pornography and how an issue becomes real when you come up close and personal with it. Though this is not something I have walked through, there are many other issues (such as anxiety and cancer) that have become much more real to me. 

I also appreciate your last comment on not going to church for the simple reason of not wanting to get up and go. I think this can definitely be true but it might be a wake up call to find a new church. For me it was. No church is perfect but I do think it's important to genuinely look forward to going to church (to be fed spiritually, to praise God, to talk to others).  

thanks again for your comment, Mavis. 

I love your goal! I might borrow it from you =) I had not heard of Tattoos on the Heart but the description looks really interesting (lots of real life wisdom to be shared). Added to my list!

I just finished Of Mess and Moxie last month and per the usual, loved Jen's unique blend of wit and honesty in both the boring and serious moments of life. I love how she makes Jesus so approachable. 

Thanks, Ken! I made it to the Grand Canyon for the first time just last year and was blown away. I'd love to read this book. Sounds like a balanced and well researched book that points people to God (especially cool since it can be a controversial topic). 

Thank you, Frank, for this thoughtful response. It is truly amazing how God puts certain books on our path during different seasons of our lives and I appreciate you giving a glimpse of the books on your journey. I love Eugene Peterson and have not yet read Reversed Thunder (but would like to). The House of Seven Gables might not be a book I'd normally grab but I think the writing style alone could be interesting. Thanks again for sharing! 

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