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Posted in: #EatTogether

I love this! Thanks for sharing stories of church potlucks, popcorn prayers and care groups. It is absolutely messy and chaotic but beyond that, sacred. Thanks again! 

Thanks for posting this, Harry. Any specific questions or thoughts you'd like to share on this new thread?

Geri, thank you so much for giving us a glimpse into Christmas and community at Immanuel CRC in Ripon. What a wide array of events and giving opportunities that all reveal a heart and passion for spreading the love of Jesus. I too pray for new neighbors to be enfolded and welcome. Thanks again for sharing. 

Posted in: Spiritual Math

Currently in a season where dear friends are grappling with death (and we all are grieving), I sincerely appreciate this article. Especially love this reminder: "With the exception of faith, hope and love, spiritual subtraction is about looking this one hard truth square in the face – everything is passing away. It’s about practicing death and learning how to let go in many small ways, so that when we’re facing the “big” letting go of our physical death, we’ll be ready." 

Thanks, Sam. 

Tom, thanks for sharing! What a creative and generous church. I love that your church allows the nearby public school to use church space for free and also that you have noticed a shift in housing and have responded to that specific need. But perhaps my favorite thing you shared is that you have a disco ball in the sanctuary that 'helps blow the lid off in praise of our incarnate King.' LOVE that image!

Rod, thank you for sharing this counter-cultural approach! What an incredible gift it must be for everyone in your church to be given time to spend time with family, friends and most of all God. I think the candlelight service is also a powerful tradition and it is something I personally look forward to each year. 

Hi Bill! Just listened to the sermon and really appreciated many different tactics that you used (i.e. images from 9/11, descriptive words, body language, and just the overall tone that used to tell stories of heartache and loss). Really good stuff and you truly brought me back to the emotion of this day. In addition, I couldn't help but appreciate your love of snow and confidence in tackling the MI roads (even as spin outs happen). Thanks for sharing! 

Posted in: Confessions

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