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Lots of excellent thoughts in this comment, William. Thanks for letting us in on the conversations happening at Calvin Seminary. I agree that the word 'performance' can cause many of us to cringe. But to think of performance as being 'the behaviors that bring thought to expression' is completely different. Encouraging to hear that the Seminary is placing value on helping people become better storytellers. 

I'd love to get a link to your sermon on 9/11. It sounds like you sought to be authentic in dealing with tragedy and I'm sure that was conveyed to those listening. 

Thanks again for sharing. 

Great question, Virginia. I'd love to hear what others recommend.

A book I JUST heard about is called A Woman's Place: A Christian Vision for Your Calling in the Office, the Home, and the World. I listened to a podcast interview with the author and it sounds like a very interesting book (drawing quite a bit from her own experience). Per the description, the book encourages all women to explore their calling (in a way that glorifies God) whether that be "caring for children, running a home, business, or working full-time." 

Posted in: Belonging

Great post, Chris. And I really appreciate your comment, Tim. I'd love to talk further about this. Personally, my weeks are busy and I sometimes barely keep up with family and close friends as is. Maybe it's just a matter of investing in these relationships (outside of Sunday) a high priority. Any ideas?

Thanks, Michele! Balance is so important. It would be interesting to see if the survey found that people were generally pretty happy with the songs or if there was room to grow or change. 

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