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Thanks, Michele! Balance is so important. It would be interesting to see if the survey found that people were generally pretty happy with the songs or if there was room to grow or change. 

Great suggestion. I think it can be incredibly discouraging for new people to hear that the small groups are "full." I would add that it can be helpful to have regular announcements (from church leaders, on the church website/Facebook page, or in the bulletin) that invite people to join small groups.  

Thanks for this! Lots of good thoughts here. Important note about some people not being comfortable praying aloud. I think your suggestion for structure helps. It can also be a good idea to ask for volunteers to lead in prayer. After a few weeks or months, other may feel more comfortable stepping up. 

Posted in: Missions Tourism

Posted in: Missions Tourism

Great post, Syd. Thanks for challenging us to think in new ways and make peace with unknowns, confident that God is faithful. 

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