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Hi Harry, 

Thanks for the comment. I believe the article you are referring to is CRC Launches Search for New Mission Agency Director and the feedback can be sent to [email protected]. However, I think you have a great idea to instead have conversation take place on The Network! 

Thanks for sharing this post on the search. I left a comment asking if there are any specific questions or thoughts you wanted to share related to the search for a director for the New Missions Agency. A specific question may spark conversation or discussion on this search. 

Thanks again!

Posted in: Advocacy Works!

Doug and Kris, 

While I appreciate your discussion, this conversation may be better over email, as you had mentioned. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] if you'd like me to connect you in that way. 


Staci DeVries

Network Community Manager

Hi Hetty! You raise a good question. To your point, Synod 2016 will once again have a panel of female advisors as too few women were delegated to synod last year. There are also Young Adult Reps. But I'd agree that there is definitely room for improvement here! 

Interesting ideas, Doug! I'd love to have see further discussion on your idea for churches to delegate elders and/or deacons as they wish because I think you might be onto something when you say that doing that might 'produce more delegates who wanted to be there (and weren't just willing). 

Hi Terry, 

Wow - what a journey! I really appreciate the story you've told via this comment. I'm truly excited to hear about your first time attending synod as a delegate. 

Sincere thanks for sharing! Looking forward to hearing how God will use you (along with other deacon delegates) this year and in the years to come. 



There's been some great discussion on this post and I'd love to see the conversation continue. Just a reminder that per the Comment Guidelines, please refrain from targeting CRC ministries or individuals in your comments. Thanks much! 


Thanks for talking about your own personal experience at synod. Helpful thoughts. I haven't checked out the number of women going this year but the 2016 Agenda would give us the names. 

Praying and trusting with you that God is at work as the delegates prepare for the hard, important work of synod. 



Thanks for sharing these additional questions, John. I think you did a great job of framing the case for baptism, especially with how it may be liberating for the faithfulness to depend on more than just "me" or the family. 

I'd love to hear if other reformed folks have done dedications or would be open to them as well. Got a story?

This is a helpful distinction, Roger. Wondering about people who grew up in the Reformed tradition that may have left and gone to another church. Is there still a desire for baptisms? Or how about people who came into the CRC/Reformed tradition but grew up in a different denomination. Are they doing baptisms if they have older children or for themselves as adults? Or is it just profession of faith at that point?

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