Aaron Mamuyac
I am a youth director in Florida and loving it! I was blessed with a small youth group to take cae of for 3 years and about 6 months ago I changed my philosophy on culture and christianity and I have seen God do amazing things in terms of our growth spiritually and numerically. Im just on this network now to see what else I can learn from others while presenting what i know to work in my context as well.
Posted in: The Importance of Young People
awesome thoughts. i totally agree with them but i think its been my experience that people are trying to reach young people and not forgetting them. its almost a target demographic i feel that the CRC doesnt know how to reach
Posted in: Preparing Ourselves for Short Term Missions
i think for those of use as youth workers a summer trip is almost expected. great thoughts!
Posted in: Finding Rest in a Social Media World
yeah i think its just a matter of structure and direction. everything used in the right capacity for the right reasons is good. social media was never meant to sustain friendships and never meant to maintain value. when used as a temple to yourself yeah its bad, of course. i made a short youtube video on this. is ok for me to share that here?
Posted in: #Social Media
I see these as all tools. I feel like if the apostle paul were alive now he would have an account on all of those lol. more seriously is not the railing against technology but the use of it. good points! awesome information
i use social media as a way to bring the gospel to my youth kids. is it ok for me to share one of those videos here with you guys? or not allowed?