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This article is correct.  Dealing with the climate change issue is proving to be very difficult.  Fundamentally, the need is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuel of any kind (coal, natural gas, gasoline, diesel, propane, fuel oil, aviation fuel, etc.).  The only practical way known to reduce these emissions is to reduce fossil fuel consumption, and that goes against the grain of North America's energy-driven, consumption-oriented, economy.  Non-fossil fuel alternatives are simply not easy or as cost-competitive. 

We all need to do what we can, and government regulations may be part of the solution, but we must not be thinking that a few government regulations are all we need to protect the environment.  For regulations to stand up to the test of time a majority of people have to want the regulations.  We are not there.  I think those endorsing regulations might not realize what they are asking for.  Don't ya just love those under-two bucks-a-gallon fill-ups? You don't really want $5/gallon gasoline do you?  The fundamental problem is that we love, Love, LOVE, to burn fossil fuel.  And for good reason.  It's a really inexpensive source of portable and storable energy.  Even at $5 a gallon for gasoline it's fun to burn it!  (Even if we know it pollutes.) 

In the spirit of doing what we can, below is a URL that leads to some guidance for individuals on, "how to get there." (From the end of he first paragraph of the article.)   Practice what you learn with joy knowing that what you are doing is a worthwhile response to the Cultural Mandate (Genesis 1:28).  But at the same time, you should realize that what one family can practically achieve is more symbolic than effective, more of a drop in the ocean than a refreshing change.  After trying to make some changes in your family's carbon footprint you might gain a renewed sympathy for our cultural love love love for fossil fuel.  Hopefully even symbolic actions are a helpful start to a world-wide re-orientation to Christ, because it's going to take something bigger than your or I to get to those, "streets paved in gold."

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