Jan Korvemaker
I am currently "Multi- or Inter-Denominational" (mostly because of my location), but am a member of the "Christian" Church as a follower and desciple of Jesus and a Beloved Child of God.
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Posted in: Getting Communications Buy-In
I currently am a member of a non-CRC church, but I find that communication is practically nonexistent and that many feel it isn't necessary ... which I find can be incredibly frustrating.
I honestly feel that if a person is to feel a part of their particular church family lines of communication need to be wide open ... we need to know what is happening not only within the church organization, but especially with one another ...
How can we support, encourage, pray for others, when we're not even aware of the needs ... When someone dies, and we don't find out until much later or didn't even know they were ill ... that to me is a serious problem ...
I realize this is not necessarily a problem confined to the church family, but part of a much larger problem in today's society ... While we have more communication devices than there are people in this world, no one seems to be communicating ... or even know how ...
Thank you and God bless!
Posted in: Where Do You Live? Say Hi Below!
I was born in the Netherlands, Immigrated to and lived for many years in Victoria, BC, Canada where we were members of the CRC. I am now residing in Parksville, BC, where I have lived for the last 28+ years ...
I also spent some time at Calvin College, Grand Rapids during the 1980s.
Happy and Blessed New Year to one and all!
Posted in: Getting the Feel of It
Thank you, Dawn ... for being real! For sharing and describing reality for most of us, regardless of where we have been all our lives ...
There is so much about so many things that are difficult to understand or navigate ... but sometimes it just seems that we are expected to know all that we need to know, when we need to know it, without being told and then do it right ...
I want to give you a hug!
Shalom and God bless, JanK.
Posted in: What Is the Unofficial Dress Code at Your Church? Does it Matter?
I personally grew up with getting "dressed up" when going to church...wearing our "Sunday best" as it were. I still try to do that for the most part...however, I would definitely not be concerned about what others are wearing or want them to feel unwelcome because of what they are wearing.
That being said, sometimes a congregation as a whole, when everyone seems to be dressed up, can cause newcomers to feel uncomfortable or even as "not acceptable" as a result.
I made a error in judgment a quite number of years ago, when I expressed my opinion about wearing sneakers rather than dress shoes to church, not thinking that there are people who simply cannot afford "Sunday Best" shoes and clothing. I have never forgotten that lesson, and will hopefully not make that mistake in other areas as well. Rather than judging and making assumptions based on outward appearance, but instead accepting and loving others as they are the way Jesus would have.