Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture
DWELL Digital During COVID-19
As more communities are being required to shelter in place or observe strict social distancing, your church may be looking for ways to encourage and equip parents to carry on your children’s ministry activities at home.
How You Can Share Dwell with Parents
To help you share Dwell with parents in the time of COVID-19, we’ve made the following adjustments to how Dwell coordinators can use Dwell Digital:
Both of these adjustments are active for the length of time you are unable to meet in person.
Dwell Digital gives your church access to all leader materials on any device at any time. If you would like to purchase a Dwell Digital subscription, call 800-333-8300. Christian Reformed churches, due to your Ministry Share contributions you can now access Dwell Digital for free.
How You Can Equip Parents to Lead Dwell Sessions
Send children’s resources home: If you’re able to get to your church, consider placing a unit’s worth of Dwell children’s resources in the mail for each child. The kids in your ministry will love getting mail and the parents will love having the resources as they lead Dwell sessions.
Send parents a session overview: When you share the curriculum with the parents at your church, give them a little guidance. Most of them haven’t led a Dwell session before, and they’re likely unfamiliar with the session components. Consider sending parents a link to this helpful post that walks them through the steps of a Dwell session.
If you have any questions as you support parents during COVID-19, feel free to email us at Also consider joining the wonderful community of Dwell leaders in our Facebook group.
Children's Ministry, VBS
Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture
Children's Ministry
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