Many classes are exploring the possibility of meeting by video. These classes tend to cover a wide geographic area and their leaders are wondering if it might be possible to host a meeting that doesn’t require delegates to fly in or drive significant distances.
As with all things technology, my general response is that there are really two questions that need to be answered: (1) is it possible, and (2) is it wise.
First: Is It Possible?
First, yes, I do think it is possible. However, it might not be as simple as you might hope. If this is something your classis is exploring, I’d like to make a few suggestions for you to consider:
There are other video conferencing best practices to consider as well, such as ensuring everyone is muted unless they are speaking. I’m also not delving into which video conferencing solution would be the best (Zoom is quite popular, many are familiar with Skype, and Google Hangouts Meet for those with G-Suite accounts can be effective). So there is obviously more to consider here, but it might be a start regarding whether or not a classis meeting by video is possible.
Second: Is It Wise?
In answer to this question, I’d like to take the middle ground. Using video conferencing for classis meetings might be wise depending on how you go about it and how video meetings fit into the sense of good participation in classis meetings. Just remember, that a video meeting is not the same as being together in-person. Video meetings have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, but I think that all classes should continue to have at least some in-person meetings each year.
For example, if a classis would go to meetings by video, you might want to consider having more frequent classis meetings and make them shorter (1-3hr) with solo-or-minimal agenda items. Video meetings do better when with simplified agendas. If the system were to get smoothed out, portions of what would happen just at a classis meetings could even become part of council meetings if desired (eg. some ministry reports).
I have thought it would be interesting to change the meeting requirements for classis in Church Order to say that classes must meet a minimum amount of times per year, and at least one of those meetings in a given year must be in person. This would allow opening the door to video meetings while also recognizing we can’t replace the value of meeting in person. When you do actually gather together in person, you could try to be more intentional about the specific value of what in-person offers that video does not: relationship building, communal discernment processes, educational opportunities, workshops, etc. Your in-person classis meeting could almost be like a regional conference.
Also, I will note that more and more classes are using video in other ways beyond trying to host a full meeting by video. For example, it is becoming more common for Synodical Deputies to participate in classis meetings by video. They can watch the examination of a candidate, have their opportunity to ask questions, consult one another separately on their video feed, and report back to the classis with their concurrence or non-concurrence. In terms of wisdom, this can often be an effective use of time and funds that has just as much meaningful participation as being in person.
Overall, video conferencing has matured significantly over the past few years. At the same time, more people are using video conferencing as part of their own work and personal lives. Using this technology to host meetings is (with some work) possible and, for your classis, could also be a wise choice if done well.
Has your classis used video? Have you been looking into it? What would you add?
Classis, Faith Nurture
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Very helpful suggestions!
Good post -- good article! Very helpful.
You may also want to review the 2019 Agenda for Synod (or 2019 Acts of Synod) where you will find similar advice presented by the Candidacy Committee. This was prepared in response to a request by Synod 2018 to the candidacy committee,. The advice as received by synod 2019 will be placed in the "Journey Toward Ordination" document and in the "Commissioned Pastor Handbook."
David Koll
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