How Can We Pray for You at the 2017 Prayer Summit?

Did you know? The 2017 Prayer Summit is taking place March 27-29 in Los Angeles, CA. More information can be found here:
How can we pray for you? Please comment below. All prayer requests will be shared with the intercessory team.
Prayer, CRCNA and Synod
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Pray for the funding needed to complete our Adoption from China.
Pray for our church as we are in the process of revitalizing and seeking God's direction for the steps he has next for us as a congregation. Pray that we hear his voice clearly and discern appropriately the next steps. Pray that we not fear where God leads.
Pray for me as the pastor of the body to grow in my ability to pray and intercede for the body I shepherd.
Scott, thank you for your trusting us with these prayer requests. It was a privilege to come together as the body of Christ in prayer last week at the Prayer Summit.
Pray for Ideal Park CRC in Wyoming, Mi. Our pastor will be retiring in September, and we will be searching to find someone appropriate to lead our small congregation. Pray that God will present the right person, and that we will follow His will.
Barbara, thank you for sharing this prayer request with us. It was an honor to come together as the body of Christ and pray last week at the Prayer Summit.
Pray for LEMA Institute, a post GED level school for training pastors in Africa, for God's financial provision to fully renovate its site in Mbaitoli of Eastern Nigeria.
Joshua, thank you so much for sharing this prayer request. It was a privilege to come together as the body of Christ to pray last week at the Prayer Summit.
I need serious prayer for the condition of my soul. I know that I’ve turned from God time and time again. I prayed for salvation as a child and grew up in the church.. but not knowing my bible having obsessive compulsive disorder young (which literally everyone in my mothers family had) and the fear of man let me into heavy heavy sin. I’m devoting myself to the truths of scripture. My long time abusers convinced me that God had rejected me and that I was awful. Please pray I have the faith and ability to repent and turn from sin. My most serious condition is having pet sins while feeling calloused with them. Please please pray for my standing before God. For God to hear my prayers and change my heart.
-Dirk Kolk
Dirk, thank you for your honesty and transparency in your prayer request. It was an honor and a privilege to come together as the body of Christ to pray last week at the Prayer Summit.
Please pray for me.
My name is ericka
Please pray so that our awesome God grant me the wishes of my hearth.
please pray for me so that in a miracleless way total victory over powerfull enemies that am confronting please grant me by your mercy total victory over them. Oh God I need you to touch the hearth of Isabel de S. Carlos Salazar and all his workers, Lizbeth S, Luis Salazar and his new girlfriend. kathya every one in Luis office, kevin, stefanny, kathy, amparo, tia emilce and all her family, the new son of Carlos,Rafael Salazar Sanchez, Brenda her father and all her cousings please dear Powerfull and wonderfull God put their, minds , and will in my favor for ever .
Please pray for me that God and specially give Rafael Salazar S the will and the desire to mary me and that he love me more than any one else not more than you God, more than any one else that is around us.
Please God give me supernatural wisdom to manege this so i wont lose these blessings and a miraclees blessing that no one take away from me these blessings that i am asking for. Please dear Lord grant to me victory over my enemies for ever .
Also pray for me so that my 3 dauthers be in my avor and be obedient and good.
Please dear lord i need great wisdom intelligence and perspicacia, please dear father help me have mercy on me. and for all the petitions of my hearth. Thank you God i praise you in advance for granting me and giving me all of this thank you God, I praise your name oh Lord and father thank you.
And I need a miracle in my finances. And for my friend Flory for God to give her Victory in her mariage.
And my friend that has sintoms of Leucemia for total healing.
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