Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture
Pentecost Ideas for Worshipping with Kids Online and at Home

I love the opening moments of our church’s zoom worship when each household is welcomed as their faces pop up on the screen. Like a modern-day Romper Room, the children are greeted by name: “Hi, Evelyn!” “Welcome, Weber family! How great that you’ve got your markers ready for coloring!” “Jeremy, is that you? I love that superhero cape you’re wearing!” The warm words, friendly waves, and smiles of recognition fill me up with joy.
I also love that our church has been intentional about providing ways for kids to participate in online worship. (Read more about that here and here.) Each week we send out a short email to everyone in which we do the following: list the Bible story that we’ll be reading, remind families to have art supplies, Lego and/or playdough nearby for children to use in response to the story, and invite the kids to bring a particular item along to worship.
The item we invite the children to bring always connects in some way to the Bible passage we’ll be reading. We also make sure it’s something that’s easy for already busy families to find. Some examples of what we've done so far: paper boats (Jesus Calms the Waves), paper palm branches (Palm Sunday), Alleluia paper butterflies (Easter), and a stick found while walking outdoors (Road to Emmaus).
After six weeks of online worship I’ve got a treasure chest filled with each of the props we’ve used. I can’t wait for the day we can meet again in person, open that chest, and pull out each prop as we recall the stories and remember how our faithful God provided for us. But for now, we’re still worshipping online, so I’m preparing for Pentecost. Here's some of what I'm working on.
Pentecost Ideas for Worshipping with Kids Online
Leader: For the Holy Spirit, whom you sent to be with us,
All: Thank you, Lord!
Leader: For the Holy Spirit, who helps us believe in Jesus,
All: Thank you, Lord!
Leader: For the Holy Spirit, who helps us know right and wrong,
All: Thank you, Lord!
Leader: For the Holy Spirit, who helps us care for others,
All; Thank you, Lord!
Leader: For the Holy Spirit, who helps us do what God wants us to do,
All: Thank you, Lord! Amen. (Dwell, Wonder,Year 1, Unit 6, Session 3,
Pentecost Ideas to Share with Families At Home
How about you? Let us know how your church is including children during online worship and how you are encouraging families as they celebrate Pentecost at home.
Children's Ministry, VBS
Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture
Children's Ministry
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