It’s been a little over a year since I began blogging for the Sunday school Network—many of you have been reading and commenting all along the way. Thanks for sharing the journey!
This is my last blog as the Sunday school Network guide, but you’ll still see me posting comments and even writing guest blogs now and then. That’s because I believe in The Network. I believe we are stronger when we share ideas, encourage one another, and look for the ways that God is at work in our midst. Ministry is always we rather than me. God has created and gifted us as a whole body of believers, so there’s no reason to go it alone!
Our new guide, Laura Keeley is no stranger to The Network or to CRC Sunday school ministry. In the past couple months she has offered us insight about three year olds, faithful teaching, and using symbols with kids. As the Association of Christian Reformed Educators (ACRE) coordinator she’s also been instrumental in encouraging local networks of Sunday school coordinators to meet together regularly to talk about ministry and share ideas… Now I can’t wait to see the topics she’ll bring to the table here!
My hope for the next year of the Sunday school Network is that we’ll continue to grow. That this Network would be the place we turn when we have a question about a lesson, an idea that worked for us, or a problem that could have multiple solutions. I hope we will be a community that learns together and grows together, even though we’re spread across all of North America!
Children's Ministry, VBS
Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture
Children's Ministry
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Thanks Jolanda,
God bless you for your service.
Dear Jolanda,
I will miss you and your blogs on the network! Thanks for all that you have given and written to equip and motivate those of us 'in the trenches' . I, for one, have always appreciated your gentle words of encouragement and insight. Glad to hear that while you are leaving, you are in fact sticking around! and I look forward to hearing from you from time to time.
Thanks for all your work over the past year, Jolanda, as The Network's very first Sunday School guide. You signed up even before it was built!
And thank you for your continued enthusiasm for connecting children's ministry leaders - both online and off. Keep up the great work for Faith Alive, the CRC, and beyond.
Thanks Jolanda! Best wishes in your next chapter!
Thanks, JoJo! Good job!
Jolanda, thank you so much for all the great tips, comments, sharing and guidance you have provided for me and all the leaders in the LAUGH network in Edmonton, Alberta. We have highly valued your personal input and the love you have poured into our network ministry. God bless your future plans!
Jolanda: I pray things go well with your new adventure. Thank you for the blogs this past year. Toni
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