Children and the Lord's Supper [WEBINAR]
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This blog has been cross-posted in the Elders and Sunday School sections of The Network.
If your congregation is like many we’re in conversation with, you’re seriously considering Synod 2010’s decision to welcome baptized children to participate in the sacrament of communion. Perhaps you’ve checked out the Faith Formation Committee’s website (, perused the history of this ongoing discussion within the CRC, weighed the committee’s recommendations in the light of your current sacramental practices, and felt encouraged by this new opportunity to gather around the Lord’s Table in a family meal that nurtures and deepens the faith of all of the members of your congregation. We hope so!
But with change comes challenge—along with the need to replace old processes and practices with new ones. That’s the challenge we’d like to address in the upcoming webinar, "Children and the Lord’s Supper," scheduled for Wednesday, April 25. We’re thinking you’ll have questions you’d like us to address, questions along these lines:
We’re looking forward to the opportunity to exchange ideas with you—and to share our hopes for nurturing the faith of our youngest members as we gather with them at the Lord’s Table. We’ll try to anticipate your questions, but it would be a whole lot easier if we’d hear them from you as we prepare for April 25. So please visit to register—and post your questions in the comments below.
Children's Ministry, VBS
Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture
Children's Ministry
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A great list of questions posted above - I am looking forward to this webinar!
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