Do-It-Yourself Resurrection Eggs

Perhaps you’ve seen or used Resurrection Eggs to share the story of Easter with kids. Resurrection eggs are a carton of 12 colorful plastic Easter eggs each containing a little trinket that symbolizes some aspect of the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Each day leading up to or following Easter the family cracks open an egg, sees the symbol, and reads a corresponding Bible passage. Each egg helps families focus their attention on this important story during Holy Week.
Nakisha DeYoung, the former children’s ministry director at Community Reformed Church recently shared with me her recipe for Do-It-Yourself Resurrection Eggs, and gave me permission to post it. At Community they set up an assembly line for kids to create their own Resurrection Egg kit to use at home with their families.
I’ve attached the tables that Nakisha used as stickers on the inside and outside of the egg cartons. It describes each egg’s color, the trinket that goes inside, and the Bible passage that goes along with the eggs. Families that crack open each egg will spend 12 days exploring the events of Holy Week beginning with Jesus triumphal entry and ending with the empty tomb. Thanks for sharing this, Nakisha!
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Children's Ministry, VBS
Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture
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Thanks! Just printed this out. We'll be making these soon.
I think I may try them too!
I don't see stickers, it says to crack open an egg and see a symbol? Are you supposed to cut the words out, put inside a plastic egg or tape onto a real egg? I'm familiar with and have the actual Resurrection eggs kit. Thanks.
I was wondering the same thing. I don't think the stickers are really needed as the trinkets line up with colors. At least that's how I understand and would do it.
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