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Next week is the last Sunday school session for the season at my church. I’m collecting ideas for wrapping up the year and sending the kids off to summer feeling blessed. In case you’re looking for the same, here are some ideas I’m considering for my fifth grade class. Please include your own below!
Picture This: Several years ago I took a photo of our GEMS club girls and had it ready to give to kids and leaders at the end of the season. Here’s a variation of the idea that worked for me: purchase a pack of 5x7 inch refrigerator photo magnets. Print 4x6 inch photos and cut out 5x7 inch rectangles from colorful cardstock. Then attach the photos to the cardstock to form a frame around the picture. Spend time at the end of class autographing each other’s photo frames before sliding them into the magnetic pockets to take home.
Postcard Pals: Postcards are a fun way to communicate with kids! You can get a pack from most bookstores and add a stamp and your address then pass them out to the kids. Ask them to write note and mail it during the summer to let you know what they are up to and how things are going. Be sure to give each child a blank one too, to write their address so that you can send a postcard to them.
Summer Journals: I’ve never sent home kids with summer journals but I found some great ideas on Pinterest for journal jars, a 30 day picture challenge, and prayer journals, and gratitude books. Check out the ideas I’ve pinned to my Sunday School Celebration board.
Personal Prayers: A friend recently shared that she chooses a particular verse to pray for each of her children. It would be awesome to do the same for the Sunday school class—choose a verse or several verses to pray for different kids in the class. Then have them trace their hands on cardstock, write the verse in the middle of each, and keep one to pray for themselves, and give one to me to pray for them. With older children like my class, they may enjoy choosing their own verse for prayer!
Blessings: Above all, I want the kids in my class to know that they are loved by God, by me, by others in the church family and that they belong even when there isn’t a class to go to in the summer. I hope to send them out with words that inspire them to keep wondering, praying, praising, and exploring the stories of Scripture all throughout the summer!
What will you do to celebrate your Sunday school season with the kids in your class?
Nice ideas. Thanks for sharing.
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