A brunch, a blessing, a bowl full of chocolate—how will you thank your team at the end of this season? Check out these fun ideas I found on Pinterest. Here are a few of my favorites:
T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U Notes
Julie from the Happy Home Fairy Blog suggests giving each child in a class a paper with a colorful letter drawn or printed on to hold up for a class pic that spells out “Thank You” or “We You!” The photo can be used to create a thank you card or fridge magnet for leaders.
Sowing Seeds
Several pinners offered variations on potted plant gifts. There were herbs with soil sticks that read: “Thank you for sharing your thyme”, “Teachers help us grow,” and “Thank you for your service, you are mint!”
Thanks a Latte
Who doesn’t love getting a Starbucks or Tim Horton’s gift card? Variations of these themes include giving each leader a Starbucks Frappuccino with a “Thanks a Latte” note attached, or getting white travel mugs and having kids sign their names in a variety of colorful permanent markers.
Thank You Station
This simple idea involves setting out a jar or bowl, pencils, crayons, and notecards near each leader’s classroom. Encourage parents and kids to write a few kind words or to draw a picture for the caring teacher who shared Christ with them this year!
For more DIY ways to say thanks find and follow my Showing Appreciation board on Pinterest, or start your own. But first, please share your ideas below!
Children's Ministry, VBS
Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture
Children's Ministry
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During our Grade 6 Sunday school graduation each June, our congregation has a public celebration with the kids during the worship service. As part of that celebration, we ask all the teachers to stand (wherever they are in the pews), while each of the graduatesgoes up and down the aisles to present a rose to every single teacher of every class.
In this way, the teachers are thanked very publicly, and the students are able to convey their appreciation to a host of people who have helped guide their faith, often over a course of several years.
Wow, Deb, what a meaningful way to celebrate the 6th graders while acknowledging the role others have had in shaping their faith over the years. Very cool. Thanks for sharing!
I just heard from a friend that at LaGrave CRC this past Sunday the congregation did a reverse offering to thank all those who are involved in ministry and service in the church--those who serve in the children's ministry, sing in the choir, or volunteer and minister in other ways. They put the names of each person who serves and a description of what they do into the offering plates. Then they passed the plates around and asked the congregation to draw a name and to thank that person for sharing their gifts. Each person can express thanks in whatever way they see fit--in writing, or in person. What a neat idea!
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