Financial and Other Supports for U.S. Churches
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We know that congregations across the United States are facing numerous challenges as they respond to COVID19. There are a plethora of resources being offered by government, legal and financial professionals, and charity support organizations to assist you in this time.
Here are a few CRCNA programs available to churches:
COVID19 Church Engagement Fund: The Financial Shalom Program has launched the COVID-19 Church Engagement Fund to help ensure that all churches—especially smaller, rural or ethnic churches with limited capacity—feel well supported and can continue to minister in their local communities well.
Christian Reformed Church in North America: a variety of resources related to worship, children’s ministry, youth ministry, pastor care, and more have been curated at These resources are updated regularly.
The United States CARES act can also be a great support to congregations. Here are some helpful resources specifically geared towards churches:
In addition, several great resources have been compiled at the following link:
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Church Admin & Finance
Church Admin & Finance
Church Admin & Finance
Church Admin & Finance
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World Renew is also offering grants to deacons for reaching out to the most vulnerable in their communities.
In Canada, this is being done in collaboration with Diaconal Ministries Canada
US churches can download the information here:
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