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The Canadian Ministry Office is here to support churches.  The CRC's CFO in Canada, Terry Veldboom, offers this presentation about Ontario's not-for-profit corporations act.  You will find below a variety of resources to equip you in meeting compliance.  This includes linked below a webinar recording, a question and answer document, and the slides from the presentation.  

  • Bylaw Template
    • At this link you will find a standard ONCA Organizational By-law.  
      • To make a copy for yourself click the link, select 'file' from the menu, go to the third options down 'make a copy.'  
      • If you do not use Google docs please click the link, select 'file' from the menu, go to the seventh option down 'download' and you can choose an appropriate format including Microsoft Word.  


Attached Media
Remote video URL
onca-qa.pdf (80.02 KB)

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