Top 10 in the Church & Web Network
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Happy new year! Top 10 lists are all over the place right now. I figured, why not join in? Below is a list of the articles or blogs that I consider some of our “Church and Web” top entries.
1. Thoughtful Use and Non-Use of Technology
The other 9 entries on my list are more “techie” and practical but I wanted to include this one because I think it’s important to reflect on technology in addition to learning how we can use it.
2. How to Start Using Google Apps
When I wrote this article for The Network, Google Apps was available free to churches. Unfortunately that is no longer true, although it is available free to other non-profits. Even though I am disappointed in that change from Google, I still feel that Google Apps is an excellent way that churches can work in a centralized environment without having to invest in hardware, a network infrastructure and all the support and costs that they can involve.
The CRC offers grants to small churches (150 active members or less). An awesome opportunity you don’t want to miss if you are in this category.
Providing podcasts of your sermons is something most people have come to expect from churches. It’s a great way to keep your own members connected, and to reach beyond those who are able to attend every week.
5. How to Use Facebook at Your Church
Having your church on Facebook is another thing that most people have come to expect. There’s no telling how popular Facebook will remain in the future, but for now it’s huge and pervasive. I believe it’s as basic as having a website.
6. Feature Focus: Online Local Listings
Keeping your local listings up to date is something that can easily be overlooked, but the information in these listings is used by many systems, in particular anything that uses GPS -- which is a part of nearly all technology now.
7. How to Start a Church Website
In a section of The Network called “Church and Web,” of course we should provide information on creating and maintaining a church website. David Teitsma, the previous Church and Web guide, wrote an excellent article on getting started.
8. Recording, Streaming and Podcasting Worship Services
Some more advanced information and resources on providing sermon or service recordings -- including live streaming.
Twitter has gained a lot of popularity. Jerod Clark of “Church Juice” gave an excellent webinar on using Twitter with your church.
10. Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered by Backup
You might think of backup as a kind of boring subject, but how important it is when it’s needed. I thought the list should include a reminder, just in case anyone hasn’t gotten around to setting up a backup system.
We’ve touched on other important subjects, such as video, texting, email and more. Do you have any plans for new technology in your church this coming year? What do you think are important topics we have or should discuss?
CRCNA and Synod, Church Communications
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Church Communications, CRCNA and Synod
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Hi Jerod,
Thanks again for being the guide for this important area.
I have a request that maybe Mavis in a previous post addressed. The request is more of trying to start a conversation on this site about content filtering tools- for not only computers, but especially for mobile devices that can access the internet. In our church we desire to recommend or at least give our parents and other adults the links/resources for accessing these fitlering tools.
Also - some ethical questions, since Apple is very proprietary about its mobile operating systems, is 'jail breaking' acceptable? Some think that since the Mobsafety Ranger filtering app (for Itouch/Ipad/Ipod) is really modifying the operating system, that this is unethical. Can we explore this issues?
Thanks again,
Greg Bode
Third CRC, Lynden, WA
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