FAQ - Giving to Resonate Global Mission
Christian Reformed Home Missions and Christian Reformed World Missions are now Resonate Global Mission. Right now we are working on transitioning to this new name and logo. If you have given a gift and have designated your gift to either Home Missions or World Missions, don’t worry! We received your gift and all is well. Below, you will find some answers to some common questions:
How do I give to Resonate Global Mission?
You can go online today and give a gift at www.resonateglobalmission.org, or make your check/cheque out to Resonate Global Mission and mail your gift to:
1700 28th Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49508-1407
3475 Mainway
PO Box 5070, STN LCD 1 Burlington, ON L7R 3Y8
What happens if I send in a gift to Home Missions or World Missions?
No problem. Our legal team has worked out the details and we will still be able to accept your gift. However, we prefer that from now on you make your gifts to Resonate Global Mission.
Can I still direct my giving to international or domestic ministry or a specific missionary?
Yes, donations will be directed as they are designated. Nothing is changing with our committed support to missionaries, church planters, and campus ministries.
What about my recurring, sustaining, or monthly gifts?
Your monthly gift will transition seamlessly with our banking process and your statement will now say Resonate Global Mission.
What about church offerings?
Please encourage your church to continue their covenant support through ministry shares. Your church can support both international and domestic ministries through Resonate Global Mission just like you have through Home Missions and World Missions.
What tax receipts will I receive?
If we received your gift before July 1, your receipt will come from the agency you gave to — either Home Missions or World Missions. If we received your gift after July 1, you will receive a Resonate Global Mission receipt. If you receive a single/consolidated receipt once per year, any gifts you gave to Home Missions, World Missions, and Resonate Global Mission will be receipted accordingly in January 2018.
If I gave to both Home Missions and World Missions, how much should I give to Resonate?
As you consider your giving in the future, we ask that you continue to support both the international and domestic work of Resonate Global Mission as you have supported Home Missions and World Missions in the past. Our staff are committed to helping you partner with the specific ministry area that you’re most passionate about. We also ask you to prayerfully consider increasing your gifts so that Resonate Global Mission will be equipped to handle the fresh initiative this church is called to.
What if I have other questions?
Email us at [email protected].
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