Supporting the Work of Thrive with Non-Cash Gifts: Peter and Jo's Story
October 10, 2023

Peter, a pastor of a local congregation, has a sermon about giving. “It’s titled ‘The Sermon on the Amount,’” he says with a laugh. “I only wish that I had preached that sermon more!”
Beyond what he taught from the pulpit, Peter and his wife, Jo, have spent a lifetime modeling the values of biblical stewardship. The result of this approach to living and giving has been blessing and abundance.
Peter and Jo prepared for retirement by purchasing small amounts of stock over the course of a few decades. However, their shares have grown so much in value that they would have paid hefty capital gains taxes if they were to sell them. Instead, they donated the stock to ministry. This allowed them to give in a significant way, eliminate the tax bills, and establish an annuity that pays them income for life.
Peter and Jo say they will always take great joy in funneling as much income as they possibly can back into Kingdom-building ministry.
"As long as the Lord continues to bless our investments and multiply them," he says, "we'll continue to give them back."
How you can support Thrive with Non-cash gifts
Did you know that you can give stocks, real estate or other assets to the Christian Reformed Church’s newest agency Thrive? You can also give to any of Thrive’s individual focus areas like Faith Formation, Safer Churches, Disability Access, Racial Justice, Diversity, Pastor & Church Support, Chaplain Support, Justice and Worship!
Most charitable gifts to the Christian Reformed Church are given in the form of cash because that is what donors are usually most comfortable with, but, this might not be the most cost-effective way for you to give.
Learn More
To learn more about giving non-cash assets or other smart and powerful giving options, please reach out to
In Canada- Christian Stewardship Services at or 1-800-267-8890 ext. 217
In the US - The Barnabas Foundation at or 1-888-448-3040
* Please note: The names used above are representative of a typical donor and may or may not be an actual donor to Thrive.
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