Creation Care: Congregational Songs and Hymns
God loves his creation! And so do his people.
Christian Reformed people from all walks of life have poured out their devotion to our Creator God and his creation-loving call on our lives in this new crowd-sourced collection of worship materials. After careful review and editing by a team of Reformed theologians, they’re ready to be used in your congregation.
May our worship call us more fully into our God-given identities as creation stewards and God-worshippers.
Printable music available below.
Torrente -Simei Monteiro (Based on Isaiah 58:11)
E as águas fluirão do teu altar, Senhor,
e inundarão a terra;
e seremos como um jardim regado, cuidado,
exposta à vida…
Cascading waters flowing from your altar, Lord,
will flood the earth with blessing;
we will be like a garden which is watered and tended,
with life effervescing….
Hope of the Earth -Noah McLaren (Based on Psalm 65)
God of mercy, God of grace,
Maker of the heavens,
Great Abundance is your name
For you bless the harvest ev’ry year, ev’ry year….
O Corpo (The Body) -Simei Monteiro
Tu nos deste este corpo
como exemplo
de harmonia e de beleza;
Não permitas que o tornemos
um motivo de tristeza,
mas que expresse com alegria
teu alento e dom da vida.
You gave each of us this body
as example
of your harmony and beauty,
so don’t let it be a reason
to become a cause of sorrow
but give joyful live expression
to the breathing of your Spirit.
Agnus Dei Traditional liturgical, adapted by Simei Monteiro
O Lamb of God,
Who takes the sin of the world,
Have mercy upon us,
Upon us.
Have mercy upon us,
O Lamb of God,
Come grant us peace!
Global Mission, Biblical Justice
Global Mission, Biblical Justice
Biblical Justice
Special Times, Biblical Justice
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