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Advocacy is a spiritual discipline that God calls us to develop: "Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” (Isaiah 1:17) 

Throughout Scripture, God calls Israel to account for their treatment of widows, orphans, strangers, and the poor—those who were most marginalized in the ancient Near East. From workers' rights, to systemic provision for widows, to the cancellation of debts, to a fair day in court, it's clear that God intends for God’s people to seek justice in both their personal and communal lives. 

Part of following Christ is standing with people who are sidelined in our own societies. When we speak out, we reflect the biblical call to work towards a just world in which structures and institutions give all of creation the opportunity to thrive. Sharing our opinions with elected officials can make a real difference, and can bring about long-term changes to unjust systems.

The Faith in Action online course is one of many responses of the CRCNA to help churches and individuals learn how to integrate justice into their spiritual lives and to take advocacy actions on justice issues that they care about. Contacting elected officials may be daunting at first, but this workshop breaks down the process into simple steps that shows how easy and effective it can be.

Enroll as an individual or group today. 

U.S. Faith in Action Online Course

Canada Faith in Action Online Course


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