Hearts Exchanged is a learning and action journey designed to equip Reformed Christians to engage with Indigenous people as neighbours and fellow image bearers.
This co-learning setting models the sacred journey of reconciliation, preparing us as Christians to build relationships with Indigenous communities that are marked by mutual respect and reciprocity. Participants are transformed in their minds and hearts as they are invited into honest dialogue about the harms of colonialism and encounter ‘hearts broken’ stories and experiences.
Opportunities for Individuals
Anyone connected to the CRC who is wrestling with the challenges and opportunities of reconciliation, with a mind and heart open to transformation, is welcome to participate in our regional cohorts. The specific expectations of participants is that they would:
- Commit to invest personal time and energy into the full 8 month journey, including:
- Attending and engaging in all monthly sessions (2hrs/month)
- Completing self-guided activities between sessions, e.g. journaling, reading articles, watching documentaries, etc. (2 to 5 hrs/month)
- Executing a reconciliation action plan in their local community at the completion of the learning journey
- Have a desire to learn from Indigenous theological perspectives about the impacts of colonialism
- Be willing to have their mindsets and worldviews challenged, and to de-centre the assumptions of their own culture
- Come with a posture of humility, understanding that the belonging of BIPOC persons will be centred in our learning
Opportunities for Churches
Is there a group in your congregation that has already done Hearts Exchanged (or desires to create a church-based cohort?) Would you like to access additional support from CRC staff and peers for another year, as you discern and implement a local reconciliation action plan? Get more detailsabout participating in a community of practice.
Learn more and express your interest at: crcna.org/hearts-exchanged
Let's Discuss
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