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청각장애 및 난청

La sordera y los problemas de auditivos

Deaf and Hard of Hearing—Authors who are hard of hearing or live with family members with hearing loss describe personal challenges and how hearing loss impacts their experience in the church.

Cochlear Implants Pair ASL with Voice
Allison Vriend thanks God that her three-year-old Alena Vriend uses cochlear implants and sign language for communication.

Longing for Communion with Others
John Koole has found that one person with a microphone assists hearing, but when the mics cover the mouths of the praise team, sound dissolves into cacophony.

ASL, Not Just for the Deaf
When the people of Valley Ridge Community CRC learned sign language to communicate with two of pastor José Rayas’ children, they discovered benefits far beyond their expectations.

Clear Communication Helps Me
Cindi Veldheer DeYoung appreciates others joining her in affirming clear-speaking behaviors like speaking one at a time and facing her.

By Enabling Hearing, Churches Lead
Sometimes, the church seems to follow the culture. David Meyers says, in supporting people with hearing loss, the church is leading the culture.

Editor’s Note: Be Quick to Listen
Wise church leaders seek out, listen to, and act on the advice of people with hearing loss.

Next Issues:

Winter 2019—Medications Many of us need to take medications—for pain, for rheumatoid arthritis, for seizures, and for other reasons. Medications can improve quality of life and can cause side effects. If treatment of a disability or mental health challenge involves medication for you or a loved one, please tell us your story (400 words) by September 30.

Spring 2020—Visual Impairment and Blindness If you live with a visual impairment or blindness, please tell us about how you engage in the life of your congregation (400 words) by February 3.


Fall Issue Audio Version:

Thanks to Lisa Dykstra, our voice artist, for this audio recording. 

Attached Media
BBFall2019.pdf (1.06 MB)
BBFall2019LP.pdf (524.67 KB)
Audio file

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