Recent Racism in Our Country

Like you I was dismayed to hear the vulgar racist remarks of the President of the United States regarding African countries and Haitian people. I'm 73 and must say have never before heard our President describe other countries in such terms. Does making America great again require putting others down in s. . .holes?
Since I work for World Renew I wonder what our Nigerian, Ugandan, Zambian, Malawian, Ethiopian, and Haitian brothers and sisters comments might be and our field workers. I also wonder what the damage to our Resonate work will be in these countries. More importantly is there something we can say or do to contain or repair the damage that has been done to the cause of the gospel?
I am convinced that silence is not the answer. I have been impressed of late with comments of Jim Wallis about Trump's racism, immigration policy and white silence to all of this.
Biblical Justice, Racial Reconciliation
Biblical Justice, Racial Reconciliation
Racial Reconciliation
Racial Reconciliation
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Perhaps as troubling, if not even more so, are the excuses and explanations made by so many supporters of this president for not only his language, but also many if his views on and about immigrants and refugees in general. It's past time for Christians to stand up and speak out against such matters that are contrary to God's desire for justice that reflects and advances God's Kingdom.
Thanks Jack for commenting. I fully agree with you
Why do we assume our president in fact said this? The reports are unsubstantiated. In fact they are reliably rebuffed by others in the room. Dick Durbin has been guilty of making stuff up in the past. I find it curious that we assume that a man who has previously been hailed as champion of the black community in our country has suddenly become a raging racist. He isn't. Im really disappointed that any pastor would take as gospel anything that is reported by partisan politicians. Why aren't we celebrating the lowest unemployment rate of black Americans since records have been kept. I think that's something to wonder about and ask what has precipitated such a development.
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