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What is a Regional/Affinity Group Connector?

Regional Connectors are available to support your congregation and ministry leaders by connecting them with denominational resources so you can thrive in the ministry God has given you. Each of our connectors serve a region of the CRCNA. In addition, our Affinity Group Connectors are the point people for our Hispanic, Korean and youth/young adult members. 

What region or affinity group do you serve? 

Canada East extends from Ontario to PEI in Canada. Within this region there are 7 classes - Ontario South West, Huron, Hamilton, Niagara, Toronto, Quinte and Eastern Canada. I live in Stratford, Ontario, so I am located within classis Huron.

As someone who grew up in the city, I think one of the most interesting things I learned within my role was that I had to be very aware of farming seasons as I work with churches. I now live in a more rural area and get to see first hand what rural life looks like and I have a much deeper appreciation for the seasons as well as just admiring the beauty of God’s creation in a much different way now. 

However, certainly not all of the churches within Canada East are rural. I also work with churches that are in university cities, are in very densely populated metropolitan hubs and other suburban locations. No two church congregations are alike and it is so important in our work as regional connectors to spend time listening and getting to know each congregation well and to see what unique attributes they bring to their classis and region.

How did you come into your role? 

I have been with the CRCNA for over 5 years now. I started out working within abuse prevention and accessibility when I first joined the organization. One of my main roles in that area was working with volunteers in the churches across Canada, supporting them in their roles connected to advocacy within their own congregations. 

Prior to working at the CRCNA I was the volunteer coordinator at an art gallery and I absolutely loved it. My background is in the arts: design as an undergrad and then I became an art therapist. Connecting daily with people in the arts community was so exciting. I always love when I have opportunities to express myself creatively in the CRCNA as well. One of my favorite experiences was working alongside Indigenous artist Lori Gallant at the Canadian National Gathering in 2023. Together we created a mural to represent the ongoing work of reconciliation within the CRCNA.

In addition to my work as a regional connector, I am completing my accreditation to become a chaplain. I am currently interning for a hospice, working within the community, providing spiritual care for palliative clients.

In what area of ministry are you most passionate about encouraging and equipping congregations? 

For the past year or so I have been hosting workingshops on volunteering for churches. I find that post COVID, the landscape of volunteering has changed dramatically - not just for churches, but for the majority of organizations worldwide. We have started to re-evaluate how we show up in the world and where we put our time and effort as individuals and families. This is affecting how to plan programming in our churches. I love connecting with a church and hearing about their congregation, sharing insights on volunteering, and then encouraging them to dream and envision new ways to implement their volunteer program. 

For me, volunteering is extremely important as we look at a church’s mission. Providing spaces where people can come and connect with the community, learn about God, and be fed in a wide variety of ways is pivotal to our work. I hope others feel my passion about this as I share my knowledge and insight on volunteering with them!

How can congregations contact you?

You can reach me by visiting the Thrive website at 

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