Guidance & Resources for Deacons and Elders
If you are a deacon, elder, or pastor in the CRC, I strongly encourage you to read the full report and recommendations of the Task Force to Study the Offices of Elder and Deacon on pages 380-402 in the Agenda For Synod 2015. I would also encourage you to read the recent post on The Network by Henry DeMoor, From Scripture to Elders and Deacons Today, especially if you have any questions or doubts about the Biblical support and/or basis for the recommendations. If you are interested in more of an in-depth study of "diakonia" in the Scriptures, I recommend, The Biblical Basis for Diakonia by Dr. Mariano Avila.
Finally, I suggest checking out the list of resources for both deacons and elders in Appendix A of the Agenda for Synod 2015, found on pages 401-04. Note: the web URL for Communities First is incorrect in the Agenda; the correct link is (link updated: 01.16.2019)
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