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Of course we all lament the tension. 

But from north of the border, if feels odd when our American sisters and brothers don't acknowledge that Canadians feel betrayed, threatened and bewildered by the current US government assertions.   Do our American siblings believe the things the current administration has said about the Canadian border?  Or who exploits whom in terms of trade?  Do we share faith without being willing to share worries and concerns?


Thank you for raising this question, Virginia. 

I would like to remind everyone of the community guidelines.

We have these guidelines in order to comply with the political campaign and taxation laws of both the U.S. and Canada. Due to Canada Revenue Agency law, it is not permissible for charitable organizations like the CRCNA to make statements supporting or opposing specific candidates, politicians, or political parties. Similarly, U.S. tax law also prohibits nonprofits and churches from engaging in campaign activities supporting or opposing specific political candidates.

Respectful discussion of public policy in the context of our faith and work as a denomination is welcome and encouraged.


It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I may learn your statutes. - Psalm 119:71 

Virginia speaks not just for many Canadians, but many Americans as well, when she writes of feeling “betrayed, threatened, and bewildered” by the assertions and actions of our government. (There might also be a few Ukrainians, EU members, Greenlanders, and Panamanians who share the same reactions.)

These times have clarified for me in whom (or what) I have placed my trust and where my allegiance lies, and. While governing occurred in a rational and competent fashion, it was easy for me to place trust in the government for my sense of stability and well-being without even realizing I was doing it. It was virtually unconscious, and was only brought to light when government no longer seemed trustworthy. While a strong visceral reaction to the cruelty and lies of the last couple of months is natural, the depth and vehemence of my response surprised me. I have come to realize that it is the response of someone whose trust has been broken — and I have spent Lent repenting of misplaced trust and learning anew to trust in God.

My government’s betrayal of our friends in Canada and elsewhere has also led me to reassess where my allegiance lies — and where it should lie. As Alasdair MacIntyre has so trenchantly pointed out, giving allegiance to the nation-state is about as meaningful as giving allegiance to the telephone company. My primary allegiance is to the Kingdom of God, and I share more in common with a sister or brother in Christ in Canada then a fellow American who does not follow Christ. God’s Kingdom transcends nations, and our unity and love for each other should demonstrate to the world an alternative society, the life of the true Kingdom that stands in stark contrast to the nation-state’s parody of it.

So Virigina, I acknowledge that you feel betrayed, threatened, and bewildered — as do I, and many of your brothers and sisters south of the border. But also that that border is not an ultimately important one, and that the things that bind us together are infinitely greater than the human borders and lies that ostensibly divide us.



Borders are historically ephemeral and I certainly concur that we live as foreigners and strangers on earth (Hebrews 11).  But I am asking much more basic questions of my Christian Reformed sisters and brothers in the U.S.   Have you heard what your president says about Canada?  (Knowing that many are weary of politics and don't listen to it.)  Do you believe what he has been saying about Canada?  (Knowing that some of my  U.S. friends are convinced that everything he says is true).  As God calls us to expand our trust in and allegiance to Him, how do the Americans in our denomination think that could be reflected in their connections north of the border?

The insults, threats to Canadian sovereignty, and the tariff attacks championed by the American President are being taken very seriously by some Canadians. Our brothers and sisters in Christ south of the border should be aware that the aggression of their current administration is causing harm on multiple levels (to Americans as well), including the decades and decades of friendship our countries have shared. See one Canadian response here in one of our larger city papers. This is one indicator of conversations in our country at this time, if there is come curiosity.

I received a report of a national gathering of Anabaptist leaders in Canada, mobilizing and strategizing for peace. They want to work toward a pre-emptive peace initiative in the face of further aggression.

I know many Americans deplore and denounce the actions of this new administration. Such solidarity with fellow church members north of the border is a sign of our shared faith in Christ and his kingdom of justice, peace, and righteousness. 

Thanks, Virginia, for reaching out as someone who has deep connections to both countries.

Thanks, Peter, for putting forth the Canadian indignation so many feel at this moment.  I'm hoping that some of our American sisters and brothers will address my very basic questions:  Have they heard what their president has been saying about Canada (knowing that many eschew news about politics) and do they think that what he has been saying is reasonable and true (knowing that some are inclined to give him a green light on everything at the start)?  I'm fumbling around to explain why I think advocating for knowledge and truth are crucial.  If our American sisters and brothers haven't been paying attention to what the president has been saying, we need to urge them to listen.  If they believe all the things he has said, we should  help them reconsider what has been said before and find sources we can all trust. 

Apparently, to be bi-national means that the smaller, less bombastic group of churches need to simply smile and take it on the chin from the larger, stronger bully in the relationship, and dare not question the way they are being mistreated.

Some may think that to be bi-national means that Canadians in the CRC should just smile and take it.  But surely that is a mistake.  Even the mouse sleeping beside the elephant can squeak.  Speak out to American friends and relatives.  Don't risk their apparent indifference as more intentional than it may be.


Thanks to all who have responded to Virginia's letter. As Peter Schuurman so fittingly noted, many Canadians are asking the same questions and the level of anxiety about Canada's relationship with the USA and, in fact, Canada's sovereignty as a nation seems to grow by the day, because every day there are variations on the threat to rule of law in dizzying ways. Why is the Vice President's wife and child in Greenland today to  watch the annual dogsled race except to intimidate the citizens there as the threats to take over the huge island ramp up every week? That is exceedingly alarming. The current U.S. administration says it's "friendliness," not "aggressiveness." That is not how Greenlanders are understanding it or feeling about the visit. Hence Canadian worry about threats of "51st state" and the needless, worrisome trade war between Canada and the USA after decades of friendly, fair and mutually beneficial relationships. 

I write this as a dual citizen and retired Christian Reformed pastor having served as a Resonate/CRWM missionary in Latin America and as a pastor in three Canadian CRCs. Related to what others have said, I too am worried about so many American Christians who uncritically, unthinkingly support the chaotic decisions and actions of the US government in the last two months. More worrisome still is that three otherwise thoughtful and kind Reformed pastors (one Christian Reformed) in the US are daily defending the actions of their government in relation to Canada, immigrants and the dismantling of many government agencies and institutions that the US has established long ago to promote AIDS research, sending AIDS drugs and more to African nations. I am unable to see how such actions can help the health and reputation of the country of my birth nationally and around the world. KEEP PRAYING.

Thanks for your helpful reflections, Jim.  It is discouraging to hear friends and relatives in the States who cheer on actions that seem transparently foolish and undeniably cruel in their abrupt applications.  The end of USAID is tragic.  And we've hear World Renew friends wring their hands in despair.  But the old teacher in me encourages everyone to keep challenging one another to think and rethink the things that are being said.  Could friends south of the border feel unsure that what Canadians have heard was really said?  Have the bubbles of their social media kept what Canadians fear from resonating?  How do we help our American sisters and brothers wake up?

"It feels odd when our American sisters and brothers don't acknowledge that Canadians feel betrayed, threatened and bewildered by the current US government assertions."  I get it.  I'm from the USA and, like many others, am disgusted with the thought of somehow making Canada the 51st state (unless, of course, Canada petitions for such status).  l spend much of the winter in Florida, along with many Canadians who I consider friends.  I have apologized to them and expressed my shame in what's being done.  My question is:  How can we as Americans "acknowledge the betrayal, threat, and bewilderment" Canadians are feeling?  What would such acknowledgement look like?  The denominational statement was pretty bland.  Should we petition (or overture) Synod about this?  Circulate a petition for US Christian Reformed Members to sign?  Organize a rally at the Detroit/Windsor or Sarnia/Port Huron border (which would be fairly close to many CRC members on  both sides) and walk across the bridge (is that even possible?).  I have a great deal of love and respect for the Canadian CRC, and don't want to see it spin off.  Those of us south of the border need your Kuyperian passion to fight the fundamentalism that characterizes so much of the faith of our own nation. I grieve that we no longer have the opportunities we used to have to get to know each other-- Young Calvinist Conventions, studying together at Calvin University or Seminary (I get it-- it is cost prohibitive for Canadians).   What can we, who live south of the border, do to effectively communicate to our sisters and brothers in the Canadian CRC how much we love you? 


Hi Virginia,

Thanks for opening a conversation.  I will try to answer your questions directly and perhaps add a bit of commentary that gets at the broader conversation.  

If I may begin by noting a couple things about myself for context.  I am heavily Canadian influenced, as my Dad was from Canada (though not a citizen) and much of his family remains there.  This led to a lot of Canadian visits and Canadian influence from a young age.  As I got older I had additional reasons to visit, with two married siblings settling in Canada and my Mom eventually remarrying a Canadian after the passing of my Dad. Politically I am usually what someone might call conservative, but likely not fitting in a neat box.  I did not vote for President Trump and find him in many ways highly objectionable.  

With that context, to your questions (beginning with the title question).

"What Does It Mean to Be a Bi-National Denomination When the Rhetoric Between the Two Nations Becomes Bitter?"  For me it means first and foremost that we are reminded that the reasons for and base of our historic union is not geographic, political, social, or cultural, but rather spiritual - we have a common confession.  In other words, national rivalry does not change or damage our union, because our union was never based on a congenial national relation, but a much deeper spiritual union.  In that spirit we can view the passing cares of geo-political machinations with a settled confidence in our mutual commitment to spiritual union.

"Do our American siblings believe the things the current administration has said about the Canadian border?  Or who exploits whom in terms of trade?"  Of course, I cannot speak to the totality of thinking of American CRC members, so I will offer my own perspective, colored by those I am familiar with in the CRC.  Some the answer to that question depends on what statements or policy positions you are thinking of.  Regarding trade, many U.S. CRC members will agree to an extent about the thrust of Trump rhetoric regarding certain Canadian protectionist trade practices.  Now, all countries seek to protect their own interests - that much is fairly plain.  Many U.S. CRC members are involved in agriculture, and it is not a secret that Canada has highly protectionist policies and tariffs for agriculture.  In this Trump is not wrong.  In true Trump fashion he overstates the matter for effect.  It has often been said: Don't take Trump literally but do take him seriously.  He's a showman at heart, and he does and says things for dramatic effect - always has and always will.  Sometimes this has worked for him, sometimes it has failed.  To that degree, his rhetoric on trade with Canada is overheated and not always accurate, though it contains some underlying realities.  

As for Trump's rhetoric on the 51st state, most Americans think of that as a joke, and it mostly is.  I say "mostly" because here again Trump is exaggerating and being over-the-top, but with intended purpose, and it plays right into certain historic Canadian self-perceptions.  Is Trump's style of diplomacy odd and abrasive at times?  Most definitely.  Is the U.S. going to invade, annex, conquer, or otherwise subsume Canada against their will?  Most definitely not.  Interestingly enough, though many disprove of Trump and his sabre-rattling style of international engagement, Trump has not been the cause of international conflict or war.  Trump's actual record is surprisingly one of peace.  Personally, I have a great love for Canada and do not desire to see Canada degraded or disrespected.  I do, however, also realize that the vast majority of daily concerns for Canadians are not Trump-caused, but products of Canada's own political decisions.  It is partly for this reason that Canadians are being told by their government that Trump is the cause of what ails them - it distracts from Canada's own internal failures, which are legion.  

I recently visited Canada and found myself quite literally under verbal attack in several situations once it was known that I was visiting from America (despite the fact that I am not a Trump voter).  It was clear to me that for a certain segment of the population the government and an attendant press has done a good job of re-directing their anger from the ruling liberals to America or Americans, or at least anything related to Trump. Having said that, my Christian, CRC, and family connections in Canada make abundantly clear to me that Canadians are by no means of one mind regarding the seriousness of or damage caused by Trump rhetoric or policy.  Many (including CRC members) are not at all looking for sympathy, solidarity, or the like in light of current geo-political happenings.  

"Do we share faith without being willing to share worries and concerns?"  Not at all.  Certainly we seek to bear each others' burdens, rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. But we also must be aware that worries and concerns vary greatly.  The CRC recently did put out a pastoral letter recognizing pain, hurt, concern among many Canadians.  For some this statement was unnecessary and unhelpfully reactive.  For others this statement was far short of adequate.  Therein lies some of the challenge of denominational statements that attempt to represent a broad constituency with widely varying political, social, cultural, and economic perspectives.  At the congregational level you may be surprised to know how many U.S. churches are praying for healed national relations.  These things happen organically and without the sounding of trumpets or the publication of letters. 

Thanks for raising these questions, as they make for interesting conversation and opportunity to understand each others' perspectives better.

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