How many people does it take to change structure & culture?
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After Synod 2011 a task force was assembled to take up the challenging assignment of reviewing the CRCNA’s organization and leadership within the context of structure and culture. This Task Force is comprised of 10 individuals but this is not the answer to the question above.
No task force regardless of the quality of people (and this group has high quality people) can within the short period between Synod 2011 and 2012 thoroughly assess the culture and structure of the denomination and present a review to the BOT which will go before Synod 2012. Therefore the challenge is to determine how many people to involve. The answer is: as many denominational people as possible who are passionate about seeing God at work in the CRCNA, having a heart for listening to God, and are willing to offer suggestions and/or concerns. In this way you can play an invaluable role in helping the Task Force fulfill its mandate to review the structure, culture, and leadership of the CRCNA.
Here are a few things that you can do:
Are there other things you could suggest to us as we seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit in increasing the health of CRCNA’s structure, leadership, organization and culture? Time is important so please give your comments to the task force by November 30th. We are mindful of God’s rich diversity of people in the CRC who could present some innovative and discerning insight into this opportunity.
There is no perfect answer or system to fix all the CRCNA’s organizational and structural problems, but the task force members will take the time to read all comments offered, and, along with input from discussion groups from our Denominational Offices and Agencies, create short term, medium term and long term goals which we will bring to the BOT and Synod.
So here is the invitation of the Task Force Reviewing Structure and Culture. Please take the time to look at our feedback section on The Network. After reading what is posted, as well as who the members are and what the mandate involves, choose how you might respond. You are a vital connection!
Thank you for your interest and input.
- Task Force members
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