The Deacon Network Under Review - Top Blogs To Read!

Last week I was part of a discussion about whether elders and deacons were seen as equals in the council room. As the discussion progressed, I thought, "Wait - I wrote a blog about this!". I got to wondering if there were some topics that had dropped into the recesses of the Deacon Network, which might be of interest to new readers. So, voila! Here you have the top reads since I've been guide of this space on the Network. Perhaps some fresh comments on these topics are in order?? (Don't forget - you can always send me a blog idea or pose a question in our forum!)
Ranked 5 stars:
1. You Add, God Multiplies - A discussion on Ministry Shares
2. The Offering As Worship In An Electronic Age - Does electronic giving make the offering meaningless?
3. Working For The Church While Your Family Dies - How do we balance home and church responsibilities?
4. Truth and Reconciliation - Facing the topic of residential schools, and how Christians could respond.
5. How We Enter - A reflection on self awareness and how our attitude affects an outcome
6. Deacons - Be Known! - Ensure your congregation knows who the deacons are and what they do!
Top 10 Reads:
1. Devotions For Deacons - Online devotionals for deacon meetings
2. Deacon Training Curriculum - Is It A Good Idea? - A discussion about deacon training materials, with sample resources
3. Deacons: An Elder Training Ground - Suggesting that Elders and Deacons are equal roles, requiring different gifts
4. Alive? Welcome To Council! - Are we so desperate for council members that a pulse means you're in?
5. Over-Committed Seeks Sabbath - A reflection about busyness in life and the consequences
6. The Power Of Being Present - How just being there is more important than doing something
7. Simply Simple Encouragement - A reflection on fufilling our call to be encouragers
8. Your Role, Is It Too Much To Handle? - Acknowledging the reality that being a deacon can be hard
9. Deacon Vision - Be intentional as a deacon team by talking about the year ahead
10. Nurturing the Nuturer - As you give of yourself, where do you find replenishment?
Deacons, Elders
Church Renewal, Deacons
Deacons, Ministry in Canada
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