How Have You Responded to the Mandate to 'Be Prophetic Critics Of Injustice'
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One of the mandates in the oath of office for deacons is "Be prophetic critics of the waste, injustice, and selfishness in our society, and be sensitive counselors to the victims of such evils."
How has your church or diaconate lived into this mandate? In a time when issues can get quickly politicized, good models are needed. Please share your story.
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Short version: Learning tours, documentaries and discussions!
One thing that I have recently participated in was a learning tour to Mexico with a group called Quest Mexico ( We were immersed in a different culture and got to hear about some global systems of injustice that many Mexican people face. We heard first hand stories about the history, economics and political systems and how they affected the people. Local Mexicans shared the kinds of oppression they face on a daily basis and we were able to hear about larger picture systems in a different context than our own. We are more connected to Mexico than I had previously given much thought to and I learned a lot of things that our media and governments do not tell the average American. It is something I will be able to share with churches and diaconates in the near future. It is also something that we can practically do anywhere we are, as our motto for the time there was "See, Judge, Act." (With Judge meaning question/reflect/evaluate). A good motto for deacons, looking at systems and injustices.
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