Top 10 Ways to Recruit New Council Members

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!”
Yes, yes, we know Christmas is long gone. It’s Recruitment Time!
I am sure by now your Church Council has worked long and hard to craft a witty and concise bulletin announcement and that it’s been published the last 3 weeks, with a deadline that is fast-approaching. And I’m also sure by now your Council Chair’s inbox or church mailslot is overflowing with nominations and/or people asking where they can sign up! If that is true, then this article is NOT for you.
But, if like most churches and Councils, you haven’t heard a peep and/or you’re dreading this year’s nomination process, then feel free to keep reading.
No matter what ministry team you lead in the church, recruitment is likely your least favourite task; aka a necessary evil. Unfortunately for everyone involved, most church leaders don’t enjoy doing it, not many know HOW to do it, and not many are successful at it.
If Recruitment were a musical, it would likely be named "I Will Survive" and would feature hit songs like:
But seriously, here at Diaconal Ministries Canada, we don’t think it has to be that bad! So to help Deacons not only SURVIVE recruiting, but to THRIVE while doing it, we'll be spending some time on our e-Quip Diaconal Blog this month looking at the Do’s and Don’ts of Recruitment.
This week, we’ll start you off with our "Top 10 Ways to Recruit New Council Members." It’s a quick snapshot into how to recruit well, year after year.
How About You? How does your church or diaconate recruit new council members?
Share your secrets! Leave a comment below, email Erin today, or give her a call at DMC's office (905-336-2920 ext 4304).
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Don't put the infrequent attender and uninvolved member on council in the hopes of getting him more involved in church. Making an uncommitted member a church leader could be detrimental to your ministry.
Hi Ken, thanks for chiming in. It sounds like this may be something you've encountered personally... If you have, we are curious to know how this played out: the good, the bad, AND the ugly!
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