Where can I get samples of or information about doing gift surveys at my church?

Hi, I was wondering if anyone out there does gift surveys in their churches and how do they work. And are there any samples I could look at? Thanks Grace Strobosser
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The ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) has on on their website in their archives. you might try that or the CRC use to have a great survey package so you may want to check with Faith Alive.
Here is the ELCA site.
Hi Grace. I haven't actually seen a gift survey, or been part of one, but I'm curious what information you'd be trying to get, and how you'd plan on using the results.
Morning Milissa;
I was at the dissability Conference in Kitchener, at one of the sessions. And a person talked about a gift survey their church did where they asked the people of their congregation what they enjoyed to do. EX: Cut the grass, sew, paint, clean house, dishes, make food, babysit , do plumbing, repairs, driving, meet new people, teaching etc. And when a need arose they had some one on their list already they could call without asking needing to ask everyone all the time. This way too you can ask different people to help, rather then the same ones who could get burnt out easily. I find someone is more willing to help out if they like what they are doing.I also find if you ask people individually rather than as an anouncement, it works better. So that is what I'm looking for. Thanks Grace
Excellent suggestion, though that is not typically a spiritual gifts inventory. That is closer to what is called a talent/tithe, tithing your talents. If you or Milissa or anyone else wants a copy and how to use it just let me know as I had a hand in developing one that is used around north Amercia. I will email you a copy that you can modify and use in your own congregation.
You can also check out Faith Alive's third edition of Discover Your Gifts and Learn How to Use Them. http://www.faithaliveresources.org/Products/216580/discover-your-gifts-student-book.aspx The study guide includes the gifts assessment, and there is a code in the back of the book to do the test online.
Our church has also used this online assessement for potential office bearers: http://www.umc.org/site/c.lwL4KnN1LtH/b.1355371/k.9501/Spiritual_Gifts.htm
Rather than doing a gift survey, you may want to check out the online tool https://www.thecommon.org. "We provide an easier way to volunteer , give , serve , help and get help in your community. By changing how you share needs and abilities, your community can increase connections, simplify communication, and effectively decrease the distance between a person with a need and the person who can help."
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