Leadership Development, Pastors
4 x 4 Leadership Essentials: Hope

There is a Greek myth about Zeus giving the people of earth a jar filled with all good things. Sadly, someone leaves the top off the jar, and all the good things escape. The people filled with sorrow go to Zeus and ask him what to do. Zeus asks them if there is anything left in the jar. They look inside and say, “Only one thing… hope.” Zeus responds, “It is enough.”
Leaders lead with hope. As people struggle with taking fresh steps in ministry and mission, leaders paint the picture of a God-given, hope-filled future that carries people forward.
We see this happening in the book of Revelation. The church is suffering persecution; John’s response is to give a picture of heaven (Revelation 4-5) and the new Jerusalem (Revelation 21). These hopeful pictures carry the people through difficult days.
Leading with hope is critical to any change process. Hope sees a more fantastic future. Hope holds us when the vision is taking time to materialize. Hope roots us in Jesus’ love for and promises to his bride.
As you lead:
You can read about other 4 x 4 leadership essentials including Stabily, Compassion, and Trust at Vibrant Congregations.
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Pastors, Leadership Development
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