Moving Through Discover Colossians

God is moving through His Word in the Merced, CA, Coffee Break. Jonae, the Coffee Break Director there, reported many ways God was working last season through their study of Discover Colossians. Here are a couple of snapshots:
Participants were challenged to memorize Colossians 3:12-15. Doing this made such an impact on one woman that she decided to memorize the entire third chapter! On the last day of the study, she shared tips on how to memorize scripture and about how Colossians 3 “became a part of her” as she memorized. She then recited the entire chapter and in such an intimate manner that it was as if she were speaking personally to each of the 100 plus women in the group. It was as if the Apostle Paul was speaking those words in an inspiring and personal manner. It was a beautiful experience!
Another participant struggled in her marriage and had considered leaving her husband. As she memorized Colossians 3:12-15 from the New Living Translation, the words from verse 13 caught her attention..."make allowances for each other's faults and forgive..." The Holy Spirit spoke to her about making allowances for her husband’s faults. Those words came alive to her and spoke to her heart. She says that verse and this study saved her marriage!
One leader struggled with confidence after the last lesson, feeling like she had done a terrible job. She asked God for encouragement. In her quiet time with God she had been praising with the song "What a Beautiful Name" by Hillsong. That next morning, she pulled up a YouTube version of the song and it was a different version (10 minutes instead of 5). After the song, there followed an interview with the songwriter and the story of its creation. “What a Beautiful Name” is based on the second half of Colossians 1. It is about the Supremacy of Christ and His glory. The lesson from the previous day, that she thought she had botched, was on that the exact passage. God encouraged her. She experienced the power of scripture and the God of the universe bending down and listening to her cry of discouragement. She worshipped with all of her heart. Here’s a link to “What a Beautiful Name” and the interview with Hillsong.
Finally, the group ended the Coffee Break season by inviting the community to a spring tea and fashion show. They had 300 RSVP’s. At the event, the speaker wove in a challenge to “clothe yourselves with tender heartedness, kindness,...” (Colossians 3:12) by joining the upcoming fall study, Discover Sermon on the Mount. They had many first time sign-ups for next fall.
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Global Coffee Break
Global Coffee Break, Church Planting
Global Coffee Break, Small Groups
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