As Advent approaches, these great posts will help you prepare your church and home for the coming season.
Worship: Advent and Christmas Worship Ideas
This wonderful list from CRC worship leaders includes ideas for Christmas Eve/Day, Advent candles, intergenerational activities, series, and music. You can also view the recording of the 2024 Roundtable discussion here. What wonderful gifts to share with those planning and preparing worship this Christmas season!
Devotional: This Might Be the Best Jesse Tree Set Ever
This is a great resource for families of all ages. The devotions are simple and easy to fit into busy schedules. And the beautiful symbols coincide with the Dwell curriculum. This is a great way to connect Dwell and home, but it is also a fantastic version of the Jesse Tree for any family this Advent Season. And it’s free! Check out this fun way to share this resource with families.
Creating Supplies: Super Ideas for Making and Using Jesse Tree: God’s Big Advent Story
Wondering how to use the symbols in Jesse Tree: God’s Big Advent Story? This helpful post includes a variety of things you can do with the free printable Jesse Tree symbols.
Intergenerational Event: Illuminated Advent Path: An Intergenerational Kick-Off to the Christmas Season
Use five unique stations to celebrate the promises of Advent and Christ's birth. This intergenerational event is a great way to kick-off the Christmas season and introduce your church to the four weeks of Advent. This post explains how River Terrace Church has run this event while also giving suggestions for adapting it to your own context.
Devotional: Prepare the Way
For the past 11 years World Renew, Resonate Global Mission, and CRCNA Social Justice have provided Advent devotionals, focusing on the theme of justice. All previous years' devotions are available for you to use, including last year's series, Prepare the Way, which celebrates the coming of Christ as the fulfillment of prophecy, while also asking what we should do in response to this gift.
For Families: Two Super Simple Advent Ideas for Families
Here are two ideas for Advent that are so simple, even the busiest families can fit them in! Got rocks or blocks? Then you’re ready to roll.
Great Ideas: Four Fresh Ways to Tell the Christmas Story at Family Gatherings
Now's the time to plan for a way to tell the Christmas story with all ages. Check out these ideas for a faith forming way to spend time in the Christmas story at a family gathering.
Books: A Christmas Collection of Children's Story Books
In this post the Faith Formation Ministry Team’s favorite children’s books are all collected in one place! Children’s story books are a fantastic way to engage all ages in the Christmas story this Advent.
For Families: 5 Ways Families Can Explore Waiting and Hope this Advent Season
Though Advent is meant to be a season of waiting and expectation, it's usually so full of activities and to-dos that we don’t have a chance to feel like we’re waiting. Here are five things that will help families slow down and experience Advent in a more meaningful way, including something to read, listen to, do, or watch—something for everyone!
Sunday School: Celebrating Christmas with your DWELL Group
An important part of your children’s ministry year is celebrating holy days with your Dwell group. Check out some of our favorite ways to celebrate Christmas, such as making Advent wreaths or nativity scenes.
Great Ideas: 3 Simple Ways to Engage A Child’s Faith During Advent
This post gives three simple ways families can grow in faith this Advent Season: capture the sacred in how you count time, wonder together about the season, and intentionally make this season part of your family’s faith journey.
Faith Nurture
Faith Nurture, Biblical Justice
Faith Nurture, Youth Ministry
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