What suggestions do you have for college-age ministry?

Our church is considering beginning a ministry for college-age students. It would be a continuation of youth group, but would require a new formula to reach the challenges and interests of students in this group. Any ideas or thoughts? Any others have an existing ministry at their church?
Young Adults, Church Renewal
Young Adults, Intergenerational Ministry
Young Adults, Youth Ministry
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thanks Ken! Skype is a good idea--hadn't thought of that. Also your point about sharing all the news--good and bad. I'll share that with our group. :)
Thanks for posting your question in our forums. We posted your question on our Facebook page:
Perhaps it will generate some responses also.
Are you thinking college-age ministry to students who have grown up in your congregation and moved elsewhere to attend college/university or ministry to people in the age bracket of 18-22 who live in the area of your church? I've got some ideas, but it would help to know which scenario you are facing.
Ruth: good question about who this ministry is aimed at. It would be geared to students who have grown up in our congregation and are of college age. With that said, I don't think we would make a distinction if they moved away or not (meaning, if a young person was of college age and still living in our town, I would think there'd still be value to keeping them in a group like this...). Your thoughts on that last point along with the overall idea would be appreciated! -Ann : )
Well, there is no proven template or silver bullet as far as I can tell. Our Single Adult Ministry (SAM) is about 8 years old and I've been leading it for about 3 years now. We are constantly tweeking what we do to best minister to our young adults and keep up the morale of the volunteers and keep our program steady and sustainable. I'm a eager as you are to hear feed back.
Our philosophy is one of connection. How can let our young adults know we care about them. Here are some things we do.
- We have a team of care providers that gather every other month for a "ministry endeavor" Each care provider is assigned 5-8 young adults.
- Our endeavors rotate among personal letters, phone invitations to gatherings, care packages, post care mailings, and sharing special quotes, thoughts, or passages from scripture.
-Care providers are encouraged to check in and connect with their young adults
- I compose and send out a bi-monthly e-newsletter
- We have an annual gathering (after Thanksgiving weekend). Out of a group of about 120 young adults we'll have about 15 that attend.
- I have a young adult Facebook page where I pose news and other information.
We are working on a lot more an constantly refining, but this is where we are at right now.
Blessings to you!
Hi Eric,
Thank you for the great ideas! I may "steal" a few of them!! :) Many have suggested a Facebook page. I'd like to also offer an e-newsletter--a great way to share info with these young adults living away from home. Peace! -Ann
At the recent NEXT Conference, sponsored by CRWM, I sat in on a discussion about the "Changing World of Young Adults". The statisitcs that were shared were an eye opener. The average age for marriage today is 28, delayed from the average of 21, 30 years ago. And yet our church programs are still designed for youth group ministries that may go up to age 21 and then jump to "Married Couples". Single adults are left out.
We live in a town with 16 Christian Reformed Churches. While there may be pockets of ministries that serve this age group ( up to age 30?) at the larger churches, those single adults in the smaller churches are left with nothing. I'd like to see a movement to unite this ministry city wide. Any ideas? Is this even practical?
I lead a group of collage age singles in Ocala Florida. Looking for tips on new studies.
Hi, I began a college age ministry at my church in New Jersey and a few months in one of my friends joined me as a co-leader. It has been going on almost two years now but it has been a slow start. Do not expect huge numbers, big turn outs, or even great events right away. We started with a Bible Study during the Sunday school hour and now we do mostly social events just trying to bring people into our group. Our plan at this point is to turn it into something more seriously focused on the Word and regular Bible lessons. It has been lots of hard work, especially b/c I and the other leader work full time and are involved with a few other ministries ourselves. My best advice is pray! Everyday get down and ask God where He wants this group to be and how He wants to shape it then just listen for Him. Second would be to gear it more towards social gatherings, mini golf, bowling, hikes, BBQ's...whatever you guys like to do. Then build from there, for us after two years will have a solid group of 8 that attend events faithfully. I'm happy with the results and feel it will grow as God wants it to. Best wishes.
Be active!!
I think most young adult think churches are lazy!
They sit back and do nothing!
Hate groups have huge rally's, and put together huge protest against Christians , and churches is in silence and allow God to be kicked out of the country! a nation that was established and dedicated to God!
You are chosen just like I was to take a stand! Make a Difference fight for God !
Form an army for God! Join and spread the 2016 Easter celebration we will be marching around every court house in America celebrating the resurrection of Christ and the resurrection of Christians
We will be demanding in the name of our savior Jesus Christ that the government allows him back in our schools and federal buildings .
unite the churches and at the least March one time around a court house in the name of God!
spread the word make it happen!
you hear him calling!
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