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Our hymnal & Bible hard covers are coming off and I want to fix the books myself. Is anything better than Mactac? Duct tape gets sticky around the edges and clear tape doesn't last long. So far, Mactac seems the best. Thanks!


Depending on the repair, there are folks who can do this. Vern Wiering is the best near Grand Rapids. But book repairs by experts can be expensive. If it is simple repair, like replacing a hinge or shoulder, we do that here at Calvin College Archives (though I am retiring in April and am not sure who will do repairs after that). 

You could have them rebound.  Call 519-627-3552.  This is a bindery in Ontario, Canada.  They come into Michigan to pick up books. If you are not in Michigan, you could ship them here, and they could pick them up. 

I am repairing some Bibles using white glue following some instructions on the web.  Depending on the value of the books (monetary or sentimental) it may be more expensive to have them professionally repaired than the value of the book. Many sites offer solutions based on the type of fix that is required some use tape and some use glue.  Just note that when they say "polyvinyl acetate adhesive (PVA)" usually white glue will do. 

If found this information was helpful as it was not as exacting as what a professional would use and gives ideas as to the types of supplies you could use:'s-Binding

Hope this helps lead you to a solution!


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