Any Past or Present Worship Planners?

During the month of October, The Network is excited to feature the topic of worship. To get us started, we would love to hear from those of you who are involved in worship in any capacity.
Are you a past or present worship planner? Are you a musician, sound technician, or worship leader? Say "hello" in the comments below!
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Involved in worship in any capacity?
I'm attending a conference in three weeks in Hamburg Germany put on by the World Evangelical Association's Business Coalition. The theme? "Work as worship."
I'm the executive director of the Canadian Christian Business Federation, connecting with about 6,500 Christian men and women involved in business, the professions and non-profits. As we connect our 'Sunday faith' to our 'Monday work', we proclaim that work is worship.
But that's probably not what you have in mind. ;o)
Keith, you may find these resources of interest to you:
"The Heart of Worship: Learning to Inhabit the Liturgy for the Life of the World" by Prof. Cory Willson
"Everyday Church -Iglesia Cotidiana" by Rachel Bouwkamp and Kent Rottman
"Sunday's Prayer and Monday's Work: Praying for Discipleship in the Workplace" by Dr. John Witvliet
Webinar: "Work and Worship" by Prof. Cory Willson
Hello. I am a musician, worship planner, and ArtPrize curator at Monroe Community Church (CRC) in downtown Grand Rapids. (Our church was not listed in the pull-down menu at registration). I am also an architect that specializes in spaces/places for ministry at
Yes! Former worship planner, current musician, worship committee member, and participant. I'm also an encourager to all who lead, plan, and participate in worship in the CRC. It is a worthy (but often demanding) calling.
Hi! I'm a worship planner, leader, pianist, and worship director. Love my job!
My husband and I are both worship planners.We strive to make the services cohesive and follow the general theme of that service. We are always amazed how God then takes our humble efforts and makes the services meaningful and fitting.
Hello! I'm currently serving as Interim Worship Leader at Second CRC in Grand Haven, and I absolutely love my job! I also have the joy of being an M.Div student at Calvin Seminary in the distance learning program. Additionally, I am thrilled to serve as the Calvin Seminary student representative on the CRCNA Worship Ministries Advisory Committee.
We are thrilled to have you join the Regional-Advisory group, Ben!
Ben! Welcome to Grand Haven! Let's grab coffee sometime, since I'm right around the corner. Also....
* We have a FB group for lakeshore worship leaders, from all different denominations
* And I've been through seminary recently (Western Theological in Holland + Calvin Sem), so if you ever need any encouragement, or an ear to talk through assignments, I'm in....
You can catch me here:, and I'll get you my number later. Peace!
Hi all! I'm a Worship Coordinator -- so my job includes planning worship (all aspects, not just music, but liturgy as well). I'm also one of 2 organists for our church, a pianist, violinist (when I schedule myself...), vocalist, leader of the praise team, and I LOVE doing it all!
If you haven't already, join the 455 CRC worship folk on facebook. "CRC Worship Ministries" is a closed group and you are asked to answer a few questions before joining but it is full of delightful, encouraging, and helpful folk.
Wanting to know what is happening in the CRC related to worship? Sign up for the monthly worship enews at
I'm a music worship leader in a small rural church. With pianist and co-leader/guitarist no longer able to participate, I select lyric videos of contemporary praise and traditional hymns which fit well with pastor's sermon Scripture. We also sing some hymns a cappella. As music worship leader, I/we are amazed that when a last-minute song change seems appropriate, it so often shows God's hand was in it as either the change touched someone deeply, or it fit the sermon itself better! Serving as part of worship planning has been very meaningful and humbling.
Salutations, friends!
I've been the Director of Worship and the Arts at a church in Grand Haven, MI for nearly ten years. Last year, after completing seminary, my church called me and I was ordained as a Minister of the Word in the role of Pastor of Worship and the Arts. What a strange and beautiful and odd and holy thing we all get to participate in, right? Thanks be to God....
That's a great position, Chris. I take it that Pastor of Worship and the Arts pertains only to the worship service and the sanctuary. Or are you also Pastor of Worship as it pertains to worship that takes place within small groups, youth ministry, and all other expressions of worship carried out by parishioners?
I guess that you get my point: We tend to assume that worship only happens on Sundays. In a church setting. I know of a large manufacturing plant with 1,000 employees who gather for worship on Wednesday mornings on the factory floor.
Imagine a church that advocates for that sense of worship.
Hi Keith - my charge in this particular call is to "shepherd the worshiping life of the church family." So, while much of my energy is aimed at our weekly Sunday morning gatherings, where Word, sacrament, song, and the arts all intersect, the scope is much broader than just that hour and ten minutes on Sunday.
I get to work with high school students who lead in various worship spaces (Sunday services, high school youth group, middle school youth group). I get to work with our visual artists for art installations. I get to preach regularly. I get to support our small group ministry, our ministry to families with special needs, and our kids ministry. I get to incorporate worship expressions into pastoral care calls. And there's a lot more as well.
I'm grateful for such an exciting vision from our elders (and sometimes I get it right, and in other ways I'm stumbling forward, still learning how to handle or manage it all). I'm a year into the new, expanded role - it's been a bit of chaos and a lot of joy!
Hi, I am a worship planner, musician, and projection person at Hope CRC in Brantford, Ontario.
Hi! I'm the worship director at Beckwith Hills CRC in Grand Rapids. I am basically the "jack of all trades" when it comes to worship. I'm the organist, choir director, praise team organizer, orchestra arranger, scheduler, worship planner, etc.
Hi! I'm the worship director at Beckwith Hills CRC in Grand Rapids. I am basically the "jack of all trades" when it comes to worship. I'm the organist, choir director, praise team organizer, orchestra arranger, scheduler, worship planner, etc.
Hello, I'm a worship planner, sometimes leader, and absentee coordinator (until February 2020, when we move back to Canada). Back home, we are members of New Westminster CRC, happily and contradictorily located in Burnaby, British Columbia.
Sorry, a little late on the reply to this. Have been a volunteer music coordinator, but am transitioning to a position as worship ministries director at CrossPoint CRC in Brampton.
Hi, all! I'm the Director of Music and Worship at Kelloggsville Church in Kentwood. I'm about two months into the job and very much enjoying it!
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