It's been a while since I've posted anything as a Network Guide. So I give you a final post as my part of being the Worship Guide for the Network. The Network, in general, has been a place for me to go, to be inspired, and to question thoughts and attitudes regarding worship and other ministries of God's Kingdom. It also is an encouragement for me to keep going and to see the things that others write that hold a similar thought I have been wrestling with for some time.
I have had a great time thinking of things to post and to see your reaction to them. Your comments and insight have been most valuable to me and to the Network Community. Some of the articles posted were reflections and not necessarily meant to stir a conversation. Some postings were meant to begin a conversation and to see where it goes. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as the guide. I also appreciate those who have posted questions, and additional articles to keep the conversation going. Today, I pass on the baton to another guide who will be introducing themselves next week. I am planning on staying connected to the Worship Network and hope to contribute from time to time.
Life again has taken a significant change. It has caused me to focus more of my energy and time in caring for my wife. I ask for your prayers as we have entered an unknown medical journey with a rare, progressive syndrome. I hope to see some of you at Worship Symposium. If you are around, I hope we can say "hello" and get to know each other in person.
General Worship, Women in Leadership
General Worship, Pastors
General Worship
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