Hymnals for Worship

The most recently published and recommended hymnals for the CRC are highlighted below. These and former hymnals can be purchased from Faith Alive Christian Resources.
Available in print, digital, and app formats.
This hymnal includes more than 850 hymns, psalms, and contemporary and global songs, along with prayers and readings that can be incorporated into any church service. For worship leaders, Lift Up Your Hearts offers a broad selection of hymns and worship songs. In addition, there are more than 150 prayers and litanies. Resources for special services include morning, evening, and night prayers, and resources for pastoral care. Church members and families can also use the prayers and songs in family and personal devotions.
The comprehensive website liftupyourheartshymnal.org contains a host of information including additional indices, hymn stories, copyright information, and more.
Available in print, digital, and app formats.
This comprehensive, single-volume anthology is the largest collection of the psalms for use in Christian worship ever published. Psalms for All Seasons contains all 150 psalms, most in multiple forms. Each psalm appears in its actual biblical text, including as responsive readings. Also included are ideas for uses in worship settings.
This website psalmsforallseasons.org/ has additional liturgical resources, copyright information, and more.
A go-to website for additional music resources hymnary.org includes many additional key and instrumental scores called FlexScores. (To find the FlexScores, click on the hymn title and then click on the Score tab on the left side of the page.) Also included are author and composer information, scripture references, liturgies and prayers.
This collection of nearly 250 songs for children covers major biblical stories and themes using a wide variety of musical styles. Also available in Leaders Edition.
Praise God in the Heights is a downloadable collection of original descants for use with the hymnal, Lift Up Your Hearts. This descant collection is a free resource and not to be sold (licensing or permission required to make reproductions).
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