Brenda Kuyper from Taber, AB, shares songs and worship planning ideas to help you plan worship. Brenda is worship planner, worship leader, and musician, and was one of the editorial team members for the Lift Up Your Hearts Hymnal. This webinar focuses mainly on the topic of Lent, including helping your congregation with confession and lament.
Additional Free Resources:
- Lift Up Your Hearts and Online Resources: This 11-minute Vimeo highlights the many worship planning resources available for songs in the Lift Up Your Hearts hymnal. Find additional calls to worship, prayers, litanies, and more connected to each song.
- Hymnal Website: This website contains information on the songs, copyright holders, the many versions of the hymnal available, and more.
- Praise God in the Heights: a free download. Praise God in the Heights is a collection of original descants for use with the hymnal, Lift Up Your Hearts. These descants have been written by Dr. Larry Visser and published by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship.
- Copyrights and Worship: if you’re wondering about how to best use the hymnal legally, check out this webinar.
- Lift Up Your Hearts: Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs: an overview of the entire hymnal done by Senior Editor, Joyce Borger.
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