Pocket Sized CRC Psalter Hymnal?

I used to have a pocket-sized CRC Psalter hymnal that I appreciated very much. Unfortunately I no longer have it. Any ideas where I could locate a new one?
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I have a small version of the Blue Psalter Hymnal that has been sitting on my shelf since my son received it in Sunday School in June 1977. If someone would like to have it, I am glad to pass it on.
Hi Irene,
Thanks for this. I will connect you and John via email. Thanks again!
I was ready to send you one of mine, but Irene beat me to it. This little volume is my constant companion. The comfort that it has brought in places like hospital rooms, even living rooms where the husk of a dead saint who on a hospice gurney lies, the living equipped to sing the 103rd, citing the catechism, even reading the psaltery as poetry, the ministry cannot be quantified. There really is no better example of the commitment to historic Christianity and personal piety our tradition once maintained than the little book you crave. The Lord will use this little book to revive you and your's, may he revive the heirs and publishing houses who forsook it too.
Thank you, Aaron, for your great comment. That was great reading. You have it right, talking about the mini Psalter Hymnal as a constant companion. Now if I only I could find an instrumental CD of all the psalms contained in the Psalter Hymnal, I'd be happy. There are 150 psalms, so just the first verse with the chorus would be great.
Thank you for your kind words, I'm encouraged to find like-mindedness around what my mother (Verna De Boer, Nee: Kortenhoeven) used to say was; "the only thing we take to heaven with us". Materially of course, she was being humorous, but theologically, the Psalms are part of God's inspired and eternal truth, which shall endure to all generations. Mom would follow up her commentary about the "heavenly hymn book" by saying that; "If we're going to sing them in eternity, we might as well get good at it now". God graciously gave us His prescriptions for worship, and a divine corpus of musicology which addresses all of the human experience, the physical, the emotional, and the eternal.
With regard to your desire for a personal accompaniment recording, I know not of one exactly like you describe, however, there is something close. URCPsalmody is a youtube channel put together by a talented, young worship musician, in partnership with a younger minister in the United Reformed Churches (URCNA). They don't yet have the whole Psalter in their archive, but it is nonetheless a delightful resource for both personal devotion, and vocational worship planning.
Thank you for your message. I am familiar with the Psalmsody website. I have visited it several times, but still have no information as to where I may acquire an instrumental of all 150 psalms listed in the Psalter Hymnal. I doubt if there is one in existence. I think that I will give up on this search, but thank you for your encouraging note.
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