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I did not miss your point, Roger.  It's just that you and I have a completely different understanding of Scripture.  I read Scripture and see that justice WAS met in the divine sacrifice of Christ on the cross.  Not justice from my perspective (God knows I do not want Him to render justice to ME...for I do not want to get what I deserve from God).  But rather, justice from His perspective was done.

Thus this definition of "justice" SUCCEEDS: "People getting what they deserve, whether good or bad."  Thank God I do not receive justice from Him, but rather mercy.

Roger, are you challenging the definition of justice I offered?  Or are you saying that God is not just, because He does not save everyone, even though it would be "easy" for Him to do so?  Or are you offering some sort of universalist theory that in the end, God will save everyone?  I'm not sure where you are going here?

Eric, thanks for your well-reasoned input.


I admit my fingers paused for long time after describing "wisdom" as "common sense."  I was going for brevity and ease of understanding, and probably lost accuracy in the process.


I like your suggestion of "the essence of the knowledge and character of God."

The 9th Commandment commands us to avoid bearing false witness against out neighbor.

Unless we are able to read the internal motivations of people (i.e. we're mind readers), or the person has explicitly stated their internal motivations, isn't it bearing false witness against them to say they are motivated by fear and hate?

Wouldn't it be better to take them at their word: that they are motivated by faithfulness to Scripture, concern for the integrity of God's design for Family, and love of people who are lost in sinfulness and headed to destruction?

This earth day, I thank God for His gift of fossil fuels!


This reminds me of something I heard somewhere once...

"That perfume could have been sold! And the money given to the poor!"

"There will always be poor."

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